


Positive Affirmation Memo Note – Selection of 98 different messages on convenient sticky notes

Affirmations literally rewire the brain to produce beneficial results. Each Meminder© holds a different message personalised for each Chakra from each Chakranger. Share these little Meminder© to help open and awaken the Chakras to aid balance and harmony.

For taking notes & for taking note!

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Meminders Positive Affirmation Memo Note – Selection of 98 different messages on convenient sticky notes

Affirmations literally rewire the brain to produce beneficial results. Each Meminder© holds a different message personalised for each Chakra from each Chakranger. Share these little Meminder© to help open and awaken the Chakras to aid balance and harmony.

For taking notes & for taking note!

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Chakras are the main energy points in our bodies. Imagine your body has invisible energy centres, kind of like little spinning wheels. They’re lined up along your spine, from your tailbone all the way up to the top of your head.

There are seven main chakras – Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third Eye & Crown. For emotional and physical well-being each of these should be open and aligned.

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New Beginnings, Empowerment, Confidence


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