Angel, Oracle and Tarot Cards


71 Products

  • 27.95

    Divine Energy Oracle Cards

    Sonia Choquette

    In the Divine Energy Oracle Cards, renowned spiritual teacher Sonia Choquette will show you the gifts of your Divine Energy. To explain further, this is the deepest part of your being.

    Empowering, honest and clear, each of these sixty three cards will invite you to advance your soul. They will also help you and make a shift toward a life filled with unlimited possibilities, meaning, desire and purpose.

    In addition, with every invitation you accept, you will advance your soul’s growth and achieve inner peace and outer sucess.

    These cards are filled with lessons on patience, vulnerability, grief, joy, self-love, forgiveness and more.

    This beautifully designed deck will help you wake up, remove blocks and reconnect to your authentic self.

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  • 22.95

    Wiccan Oracle

    Lo Scarabeo

    The Wiccan Oracle offers a personal and yet universal journey to knowledge and self awareness.
    Each card visually captures an aspect of the God, Goddess or Wiccan tenets and beliefs.

    Look at these cards for guidance or inspiration, to find within yourself the answers to your questions.

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  • 19.95

    Mindfulness Cards

    Rohan Gunatillake

    The Mindfulness Cards deck makes it easy to bring awareness, calm, and joy to everyday life. Each card includes an inspiring phrase on the front. In addition, on the back is a mindfulness exercise. You can draw one card to form an intention for the day. Alternatively, pull several for a more complex reading. You can even display them around the home or office as inspiring mantras.

    The cards feature more than 50 accessible and enlightening practices. In addition, there are eight blank cards for your own words.
    They are divided into four color-coded mindfulness categories, including Rest & Balance, Insight & Awareness, Curiosity & Joy, and Kindness

    Above all. if you interested in beginning or nurturing a daily mindfulness and gratitude practice, you will love working with Mindfulness Cards.

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  • 23.50

    Angel Prayers Oracle Cards

    Kyle Gray

    Kyle Gray’s Angel Prayers Oracle Cards deck is a powerful spiritual tool that allows you to tap into the profound wisdom and healing support of the angels in a way that will feel real and positive. The deck uses bright modern imagery together with traditional symbolism. They are full of loving messages from the angels, archangels and even the Divine Mother and Divine Father. Each card also offers you a powerful affirmative prayer that will help you to resolve specific situations in your life for the highest good.

    Your angels have been with you throughout your life and they understand the challenging situations of your past. They will help you release all that you no longer need. You can find the peace and harmony you deserve in this present moment. You and your guides will eventually create your own language, and your deck will become your friend and your very own spiritual support system.

    Kyle Gray is the author of several books and Oracle card Decks published by Hayhouse. Kyle is also an international speaker and his books including the much loved ‘Angel Prayers’ and ‘Raise Your Vibration.’

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    Click here to visit Kyle Gray’s page.

  • 23.50

    Archangel Animal Oracle Cards

    Diana Cooper

    The Archangel Animal Oracle Cards is a unique oracle card deck combining the divine wisdom of the Archangels with the natural beauty of the animal kingdom.

    Each of the 44 cards in this deck represents an animal, bird or insect. They also show symbols associated with each creature to help you interpret its spiritual messages. For example, when picking the Elephant card, the guidance is ‘Open yourself to true abundance’.

    Every animal also works with a specific Archangel, who is indicated on that card. The accompanying guidebook offers the reader unique information about each animal as well as its soul purpose and service mission, and the direct guidance the Archangels want to give you through these beautiful creatures. The messages in these cards will show you that there is beauty and wisdom all around us. Both here on Earth, and from Heaven!  

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  • 23.50

    Numerology Guidance Cards

    Michelle Buchannan

    The Numerology Guidance Cards are the ultimate tools of divination, providing clarity and insight to assist you on your path.

    When you’re in need of answers, direction, inspiration and hope, these cards are for you. They will bridge the gap between your inner wisdom and the ‘universal wisdom of All That Is.’  All through the ancient energy of numbers.

    The Numerology Guidance Cards will reveal your future potential. They will uncover any conscious or subconscious blocks that are impeding the manifestation of your goals. Once these blocks have been identified and removed, you can begin to improve your life and actualize your dreams.

    Each of the 44 cards in this deck contains specific numbers, colours and words that assist in raising your energy vibration. In addition they include the ancient ‘Merkaba’ and ‘Flower of Life’ symbols to facilitate your spiritual growth. The accompanying guidebook offers additional information to aid you in interpreting your readings. Numerologist Michelle Buchanan didn’t design these cards to ‘predict’ your future – but rather to help you create the one you desire!

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    Click here to vist the Hayhouse page.

  • 23.50

    Postcards from Spirit

    Gabrielle Bernstein

    52 inspiring messages to help you open up to the power of the Universe

    This inspiring 52-card deck offers spiritual guidance to help you find strength when you are down, synchronicity and support when you are lost, safety in the face of uncertainty, and joy in all circumstances. Now it is in your hands. Surrender to the guidance that the cards provide, practice patience and peace, and trust that the Universe has your back.

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    Click here to see the Hayhouse page.

  • 22.50

    Dragon Oracle Cards

    Diana Cooper

    Dragons are beautiful, wise, open-hearted etheric beings of the angelic realms. They are sent here by Source to help and assist us. They operate on a different vibrational frequency to us, which is why most people can’t see them, but they are very willing to connect with us if we are ready to tune in to their wavelength.

    Dragons really love the planet and everyone on it, and are pouring into Earth now to help us with the transition to the new Golden Age.

    They can protect and care for you, be your friend and companion, and help in a myriad of ways. The help they can offer depends on the type of dragon they are. For example, earth dragons can move in front of you, clearing and lighting up your path; fire dragons burn up the lower energies around you; water dragons help you to flow round challenging situations and people; and air dragons help you to rise above earthly matters. As you work with these Dragon Cards you will discover many ways in which dragons can support your life, assist your spiritual growth and illuminate your ascension path. These Dragon Oracle Cards will attune you to the different dragons. They will also offer you guidance about your daily life, your soul mission, your ascension path, and how you can serve the planet.

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    Click here to vist the Hayhouse page.

  • 33.95

    Wildwood Tarot

    Mark Ryan and John Matthews

    The Wildwood Tarot will take you on a mystical journey for answers . . .

    Look to the heart of a primeval forest where deep ancestral wisdom lies to help make sense of your world today. Based on seasonal rhythms and ancient festivals, The Wildwood Tarot gift set draws inspiration from pre-Celtic mythology and shamanic mysteries. This stunning new tarot card deck introduces us to classic forest archetypes–including the Green Man and Woman, Archer, and Blasted Oak–and explains how to use them as a meditation system, divinatory oracle, or reference.

    Will Worthington’s powerful pagan images connect us with a long-lost world that can help us make sense of our own. So step back in time and you’ll better understand where your life’s path may lead.

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  • 23.50

    Super Attractor Cards

    Gabrielle Bernstein

    52 affirmations to help you start manifesting limitless abundance today.

    Being a Super Attractor means that what you believe is what you receive. This 52-card deck will inspire you to live a life filled with joy, grace, ease, and strength, and start manifesting your dreams into reality.

    Designed with beautiful watercolor illustrations by Micaela Ezra—who also created the artwork for Gabby’s best-selling The Universe Has Your Back cards—each of the 52 cards offers an inspiring mantra to support and guide you. Anytime you want guidance, simply shuffle the deck, choose a card, and have faith in the guidance you receive.

    These stunning cards will help you connect to the Universe, live in alignment with Spirit, get in the flow of wellbeing, and develop your own Super Attractor powers. Surrender to this awesome practice and watch the miracles unfold.

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    Click here to vist the Hayhouse page.

  • 27.95

    Sacred Traveler Oracle

    Denise Linn

    There are secret messages all around you; it’s simply a matter of being able to hear them.

    In this graceful and elegant card deck, best-selling author Denise Linn guides you in understanding the events, signs, and coincidences in your life, leading you toward a personal and spiritual transformation. Denise’s sage guidance helps you transcend and activate your intuition, realize your life’s purpose and potential, and achieve a genuine state of peace.

    These Sacred Traveler Oracle Cards assist you to step behind the mystic veil into hallowed dimensions that will align your inner spiritual existence with your outer life. Each card interprets the signs that are around you and deciphers the secret messages of the universe—from Answering the Call to Discovering Truth to Infinite Abundance, and more! Use these cards every day and you’ll discover what destiny has in store for you.

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    Click here to vist the Hayhouse page.

  • 23.95

    Runes Oracle Cards

    The runes are an ancient and powerful set of symbols originating in northern Europe. Discover how this magical alphabet can help you channel the sacred wisdom of the Norse Gods.

    As a divination system, meditation tool, or a talisman, the Rune Oracle Cards can be used to illuminate your life and manifest transformation.

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    Click here to vist the Lo Scarabeo page.

  • 35.00

    Black Cats Tarot

    This Rider-Waite-based tarot celebrates and honors the beautiful and magical black cats. Cleverly incorporating feline characteristics and legend into traditional tarot archetypes, this fanciful deck captures these creatures moving between worlds of reality and fantasy, the mundane and mystical. Disarmingly cute yet unmistakably wise, the black cats encourage you to explore your own animal nature.
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    Click here to vist the Lo Scarabeo page.

  • 31.00

    Silver Witchcraft Tarot

    Throughout these cards, the wisdom and magic of the ages are expressed through Luna’s silver light. Each image combines the rich tradition of Tarot with modern pagan symbolism, creating a unique and beautiful experience.
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    Click here to vist the Lo Scarabeo page.

  • 27.00

    Psychic Tarot Cards

    John Holland

    The 65 beautifully illustrated cards in this deck will create a powerful bridge between your psychic abilities and the ancient knowledge and meanings of the tarot and will help you develop intuitive insights about all areas of your life, including love and relationships, business matters and even career changes.

    This fascinating deck will guide you whether you’re a novice or are already in tune with your psychic abilities. In the accompanying guidebook, psychic medium John Holland imparts techniques that he’s practiced himself and taught in his workshops, relating to colors, symbology, shapes, words, card spreads, divination, numerology, energy centers, imagination and more. The cards give an insight into John’s advanced techniques which are invaluable whether giving a reading for yourself or others.

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    Click here to vist the Hayhouse page.

  • 29.50

    Native American Tarot

    The symbolic language of native Americans is extremely profound, yet immediate. It is close to the rhythms of the sky, whose messages are heard and interpreted by the Shaman, the intermediary between the sky and the earth. The knowledge of the Tarot is joined here with the centuries-old wisdom of Native Americans.

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    Click here to vist the Lo Scarabeo page.