976 Products

  • nephrite jade 1nephrite jade 2

    Nephrite Jade Polished Piece

    4 x 2.5 x 11cm

    Nephrite Jade is often used in dream work, to help with lucid dreaming, and with remembering dreams. Nephrite Jade carries a revitalizing energy that can help to speed healing. It is a stone of health and abundance, allowing Divine energy to enhance the circumstances of life.

    This is Nephrite Jade as opposed to Jadite which looks the same but has a different composition. Jadite was the material most prized by Chinese Craftsmen over the last 5000 years.

    See our main Crystals page here.

  • 14.00

    Kyanite polished pieces


    3 x 1 x 1cm

    Excellent for attunement and meditation.

    Connects with spirit guides and instills compassion, facilitates dream recall and promotes healing dreams.

    Kyanite does not hold negativity and does not require cleansing

    It is a natural pain reliever lowers blood pressure and heals infection.

    See our main Crystals page here.

  • 30.00

    Howlite Cut Base Point


    9 x 5 x 6cm

    Howlite is an extremely calming stone. Placed beside a bed it is great for insomnia caused by an overactive mind. It formulates ambitions both spiritual and material and aids in achieving them. In addition it helps eliminate rage and uncontrolled anger and teaches patience.

    See our main Crystals page here.

  • 14.00

    Faden Quartz


    4 x 3 x 1cm

    Faden Quartz has broken at some stage in it’s growth but it has healed again leaving a visible line. As such it helps to heal fractures in the self too by encouraging the fragmented parts of the soul to heal. It also provides a link to the higher self.

    See our main Crystals page here.

  • 84.00

    Crocoite Matrix


    6 x 4 x 3cm

    Crocoite is vital and fertile stone and can provide breakthroughs at many levels. It supports anything that you feel strongly about and energises the creative process.

    As this specimen is on a matrix, it is very delicate.

    See our main Crystals page here.

  • 29.00

    Clear Quartz Cut Base Point

    A Clear Quartz Cut Base Point is the most powerful General Healer and raises energy to highest level. This is because of their unique crystalline structure which absorbs, stores and releases energy. For example, they are used to regulate the energy of a battery in a quartz watch. This is because the structure of the crystal is uniform and the structure has a measurable effect on the battery power.

    See our main Crystals page here.

  • 5.00

    Celestite Cluster Small

    A Celestite Cluster small dissolves pain and brings in love. it is good for eyes and ears.

    It Also eliminates Toxins, relaxes muscle tension, calms mental torment.

    Opens and heals throat Chakra. In addition, Celestite opens a connection to universal energies. It brings a vision of peaceful coexistence with the whole of creation and holds the possibility of total harmony.

    See our main Crystals page here.

  • 10.00

    Charoite Tumblestone

    Charoite is a stone of transformation and aids in coping with enormous change at a spiritual level. It works with the crown and heart chakras and also cleanses the aura. Also, it stimulates unconditional love in those who keep it close.

    It stimulates vibrational change. At the same time, it provides deep physical and emotional healing. The crystal helps you to accept the present moment as perfect.

    It most often appears as a purple stone with a mottled complexion forming into grains and sworls much like wood grain. It can be found as small to medium tumbestones or even as a polished slate.

    See our main Crystals page here.

  • 60.00

    Amethyst Cluster Heart.

    Polished on the bottom but left rough on top.

    An Amethyst Heart is a very powerful and protective crystal. It guards against Psychic attack and also blocks geopathic stress.

    Amethyst relates to the crown chakra and as a result is useful for achieving higher states of consciousness and also in meditation. It is very much a spiritual crystal and it enhances spiritual awareness.

    Amethyst is one of the most common crystals available. It can be found in many different forms from tumblestones to large cathedral geodes and can be kept on the person or left as ornaments around your space. A small Amethyst bed is a wonderful way to negate the harmful energies given off by computers and other electronic devices.

    It does not have to be cleansed as other crystals do as it is self-cleansing.

    See our main Crystals page here.

  • 2.50

    The best way to wear your crystal and keep it close so that it can do it’s job is to put it into a cage and wear it as a pendant. This allows the energy of the crystal to be uniterrupted or in any way blocked.

    Each cage comes with a metre long cotton string which can be tied to your desired length.

  • 3.00

    Shungite Tumblestone

    Shungite is a very powerful tumblestone that everyone should wear and have in their home. It is said to be the “miracle stone” , “the stone of life” & ”Transformation”

    Shungite is known for its incredible healing and protection properties, including: boosting energy and immune system, balancing mind and emotions, protecting from harmful EMFs, detoxification and purification of the body.

    See our main Crystals page here.

  • Lepidolite Tumblestone

    Lepidolite Tumblestone

    A Lepidolite Tumblestone is is associated with clearing electromagnetic pollution. This crystal is great for reduction of stress and depression. Overcomes insomnia Stabilizes mood swings and bipolar disorders. Overcomes emotional and and mental dependency and helps you to stand in your own space promotes independence. A lepidolite tumblestone is an excellent learning aid, it draws off negative energies and stress as well as dissolving fixed patterns of behaviour.

    Lepidolite contains lithium, commonly used in medications for the treatment of anxiety and depression.

    See our full range of tumblestones here.

    Dissolves fixed pattern of behavior


  • fluorite tumblestone

    Fluorite Tumblestone

    Fluorite Tumblestones absorb and neutralise negative energy and stress. This crystal is an excellent learning aid. Fluorite increases our powers of concentration, self-confidence and helps us in decision-making. It encourages positivity, balances the energies, and improves balance and coordination, both physically and mentally.

    This crystal is often known as “the genius stone” and would come highly recommended for those studying for exams.

    Please click  here to return to the crystal page.

  • 1.00

    Amazonite is associated with

    Blocks geopathic stress

    Can be taped to a mobile phone

    Balances brain and intuition

    Soothing, calms brain and nervous system

    Assists manifesting universal love

  • 5.50

    Chrysocolla is associated with

    Tranquil and sustaining stone.

    It helps with meditation and communication,

    Calms, cleanses and reenergizes all the chakras. Aligns them with the divine. Treats amongst others arthritis, bone disease, ulcers and blood disorders.

  • 3.50

    Turquoise is associated with

    Most efficient healer provides pace for spirit and well being for the body.

    Turquoise is a protective and purification stone, providing protection against pollutants in the environment

    Excellent for exhaustion, depression and panic attacks.

    Treats disorders of the brain and eyes relieves stress and regulates metabolism.