Angel, Oracle and Tarot Cards
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90 Products
Urban Crow Oracle
MJ Cullinane
Like dark sentinels observing our world through intelligent black eyes, many see crows as foreboding omens. But crows bond, mourn, play, and even remember faces, offering gifts to humans they like and dive-bombing humans who have wronged them. This 54-card oracle deck and guidebook connects you to the mystical messages and intuitive insights of these clever and captivating birds, from the sacred space of a nest to the gift of a shiny trinket. Click here to see the other items in the category.
Healing Spirits Oracle Cards
Gordon Smith
Discover the path to inner healing and deep spiritual connection with this unique Healing Spirits oracle deck.Are you looking to heal but don’t know where to start? Are you learning how to help and heal others? The Healing Spirits Oracle is the perfect tool to help you find guidance, spiritual awareness and healing on all levels. This oracle will bring balance and open your consciousness to higher possibilities with answers channelled from Healing Spirits and Helpers, Spirit Guides, Spirit Sages and Masters and Guardian Spirits. Each card offers inspirational messages from different levels of the spirit world to help you understand your true purpose and grow on your spiritual path.
The accompanying guidebook provides insightful interpretations of each of the cards. Whether you’re looking for solutions to the deeper mysteries of your life, protection from fears, help with healing or finding your true purpose, The Healing Spirits Oracle will guide you along your journey of healing toward the life that you desire.
Find your path to inner healing, call on the guidance of spirit and open yourself to the incredible and loving world beyond with this beautifully illustrated oracle.
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Healing Waters Oracle
Discover the sacred healing powers of water and find support, connection, and guidance with this beautiful 44-card activating oracle from Rebecca Campbell.
From the watery world of the mother to the sacred waters of the world, the physical and mystical element of water has been revered since ancient times as holding the power to heal.
The Healing Waters Oracle is a call to tune in to the sacred rivers, lakes, seas, and oceans that surround us, and celebrate water as our most precious resource. Where there is water there is Life; where there is Life there is water. This oracle and accompanying guidebook invite us to see water and all of Life as sacred.
Complete with mesmerizing digital montage imagery from visionary artist Katie-Louise, this activating oracle card deck was created by Rebecca Campbell, the best-selling author of Light Is the New Black and Rise Sister Rise, and creator of the Work Your Light Oracle, The Starseed Oracle and The Rose Oracle.
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Blue Angel Oracle
By Toni Carmine Salerno
Archangel Michael is here as your loving protector and guide. Journey with his presence to experience pathways of light and know the sacred space within your heart that connects you with eternal wisdom. This sublime oracle brings you to truth through the compassion and strength of the Blue Angel. The messages and imagery, both ethereal and familiar, embody and encourage the wonder of collaboration between you and the great unknowable creative intelligence of the Universe.
45 Transcendent Cards and Full-Colour Guidebook from the Illuminating World of Toni Carmine Salerno.
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Moonology Manifestation Oracle Cards
Yasmin Boland
The Moonology Manifestation Oracle Cards is beautiful card deck to help you get in tune with the Moon and manifest a life full of abundance, magic, and joy.Manifesting with the Moon has never been easier! Discover how to use the Moon as a cosmic timer to create the life of your dreams.Also, supercharge your manifesting powers and find out how to consciously create positive change in your life with this magical 48-card oracle from bestselling Moonologer Yasmin Boland. Features beautiful cosmic collage imagery. In addition, each card explains what you’re bringing into your life, and how and when to supercharge your manifesting powers to achieve what you most desire. Click here to see the other items in the category.
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Dragon Tarot Cards
By Anne Stokes
Discover the mystical and enchanting realm of Gothic Tarot with the Anne Stokes Dragon Tarot Cards. Created by the world-renowned Gothic artist Anne Stokes, this deck showcases her stunning dragon artwork across 78 beautifully detailed cards.
Unlock the secrets of the dark realm and explore the hidden meanings and symbolism within each card. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced tarot reader, these cards offer a captivating and immersive experience for all.
Unveil the secrets of the dragons and delve into the mysteries of the Gothic Tarot with these captivating cards. The detailed instruction leaflet provides guidance on performing both basic and advanced readings, ensuring that both newcomers and experienced readers can embark on an insightful journey.
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Original Rider Waite Tarot
A.E. Waite
First issued in 1910, the Rider-Waite Tarot is almost certainly the most widely used tarot card deck in the world. There are 78 tarot cards, divided into the Major and Minor Arcanas, designed by Pamela Colman Smith in accordance with A. E Waite’s instructions. An instructional booklet by A. E. Waite is included, explaining the tarot card meanings and how to use the cards for divination, with an introduction by Stuart R. Kaplan.
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“Pause” Mini Mindfulness Cards
Take a moments pause with these mini mindfulness cards.
Help someone special to pause and reflect with these 28 pop-open cards. Featuring a different message inside each card, this gift is sure to help someone wind-down.
Features: – 28 pop-open cards – 28 different messages
60 h 65 w 65 d mm
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The Good Karma Tarot
Kerry Ward
The The Good Karma Tarot asks if you ever feel as if you don’t know which path to take, which decision to make, or what you really want in life?
This beginner’s guide to using tarot is specifically geared for personal guidance and self development. The deck will help you understand your motivations, strengths, talents and inner wisdom on your journey through life. Whether you are looking for a simple yes or no answer, or want a more in-depth analysis of where you are right now or what lies ahead, this tarot will guide you in your decision-making process.
The pack includes 78 major and minor arcana cards and an accompanying 144-page book explaining the meanings of each card, plus a section on different ways to lay them out in spreads.
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True Love Oracle
By Belinda Grace
Illustrated by Lori Banks
True Love Oracle cards will guide you to new levels of understanding, confidence and trust – they will shine a light so you can attract and create the love you desire.
Learn about what you truly need in relationships, what you long for and how to attract it into your life as you become more emotionally and spiritually fulfilled.
Imbued with healing energy and colour, the cards have been channeled through the highest frequency by fine artist Lori Banks.
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The Muse Tarot
By Chris-Anne
Infused with a wildly eclectic spirit, The Muse Tarot will illuminate your path toward inspiration and magic with its bright symbolism and powerful Muse energy. The suits are recast as Emotions (Cups), Inspiration (Wands), Voices (Swords), and Materials (Pentacles). These cards deliver messages from the source of creation. The detailed guidebook contains card meanings, poetry, and word prompts to offer insight into your readings while stoking the sparks of your creativity. Ignite the Muse within!
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Raise Your Vibration Oracle
Kyle Gray
Tune in to the frequency of these beautiful Raise Your Vibration Oracle cards to cultivate high-vibe practices and align your energy with living a heart-centred life.
Each engaging card in this deck will bring you closer to a higher frequency and help you find inner confidence, self-trust and purpose. There are 11 themes such as ‘Ignite’, ‘Express’, ‘Activate’ and ‘Manifest.’ The cards align with one of the 11 chakras (including four higher chakras: Earth Star, Gaia Gateway, Soul Star and Stellar Gateway) and kundalini to offer you guidance for any challenge or question. In addition, you’ll learn to trust in the support and love from the Universe. You will feel confident in your spiritual practice and attract positivity, miracles and joy into your life. Also, you’ll also find inspiration through the high-vibe illustrations by Ari Wisner and feel supported by each carefully curated message. Finally, through this deck, Kyle shows you how to discover your true potential. You can elevate your vibration and create an incredible life.
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Five Minutes in the Morning Cards
The Five Minutes in the Morning Cards state that every morning offers an opportunity for a fresh start. It’s so easy to start your day by hitting the snooze button or getting sucked into your phone or to-do list. However, what if there was a gentle, soothing and easy alternative?
As we sleep, our brains record what we’ve learned and experienced over the course of the day, making the first few minutes of your morning the best time to fully absorb what you’ve learned and connect with your needs and aspirations, physically, emotionally and spiritually. Take five minutes in the morning for yourself with this beautiful 50-card deck, featuring prompts to help you decide what’s important to you today, advice on how to write effective to-do lists, body meditations, energy flow exercises and more.
Whether you pull a card from the deck at random, shuffle through the deck to find the card that fits your morning best, or select a card for yourself the night before, the Five Minutes in the Morning Focus Deck helps you set an intention for your day with prompts and short creative exercises to help you get the most out of your mornings and live more mindfully.
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Archangel Michael Sword of Light Oracle Cards
By Radleigh Valentine
Meet Archangel Michael as you’ve never seen him before. Also, receive his guidance and gifts in the Archangel Michael Sword of Light Oracle Cards. All from an acclaimed angel oracle creator.
Archangel Michael wants you to feel safe, no matter your spiritual inclination. You are never alone and you are always adored as a child of the Divine. Traditional depictions of Michael focus on his strength in a warlike manner, often depicting him in battle. However, this deck reveals the many other gifts he brings to your life. In addition, they reveal the gentle love with which he provides protection. Michael is depicted in different forms, including different races and gender identities, as a reminder that his power is open to all and always available.
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Universal Waite Tarot
The classic tarot deck, recoloured by Mary Hanson-Roberts.
The renowned Original Rider Waite Tarot Deck, designed over a hundred years ago, has been hugely popular for decades.
The Universal Waite Tarot Deck is a recoloured version of the Original Rider Waite Tarot Deck. Its combination of softer colour tones with a naturalistic approach offers a more visually soothing alternative to the Original Rider Waite Tarot Deck.
It includes an instruction booklet with an Introduction by Stuart R. Kaplan.
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Archangel Oracle Cards
Diana Cooper
The Archangel Oracle Cards offer guidance, protection and healing. Find answers and divine help. Just ask a question and choose one of the uplifting cards from the deck.
Similarly, receive guidance and healing from the archangels. Also, find answers, protection and love through the uplifting energy of this divine oracle deck from author Diana Cooper.
Heavenly help is available at any given moment. Just open ourselves to receiving divine energy from Source. Through this deck Diana Cooper has created a way for you to connect with and receive guidance from 44 beloved archangels. The archangels include Michael, Raphael, Gabriel and the mighty Metatron. Also, Diana has included lesser known angels such as Raguel and Fhelyai. Diana also introduces several Seraphims in this deck, including Archangel Roquiel and Seraphim Seraphisa. These powerful 12th dimensional angels maintain the vibration of creation and help divine visions to manifest. They are just starting to connect with humanity.
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