Angel, Oracle and Tarot Cards


86 Products

  • 18.95

    Little Box 0f Mindfulness

    Mindfulness doesn’t always come easily, and it can help to be reminded of it from time to time with this Little Box of Mindfulness. This deck of 52 cards will help facilitate and encourage your presence of mind, and to bring small moments of peace and happiness into your day.

    The Little Box of Mindfulness contains a set of 52 beautifully designed cards to encourage greater presence of mind and bring small moments of peace and happiness into your daily life. Display each card individually using the wooden stand. Brighten up any shelf, windowsill, office, desk or side table.

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  • 24.95

    Healing Heart Oracle

    Inna Segal
    Bestselling healing author Inna Segal has created this Healing Heart Oracle to help you face the pain and trauma you carry in your heart from past hurts. We all experience hurt, rejection, confusion, loss and fear in our hearts. These cards will enable you to reconnect with your heart on all levels.

    The artwork on each card is beautifully illustrated by Jena Dellagrottaglia, the bestselling artist behind The Goddess Power Oracle and The Spirit Animal Oracle. Richly symbolic, the images call the divine to help the human heart to heal. This oracle will assist you to recognise the beautiful, creative, fun, joyful aspects of your heart and give them wings to shine. In addition, it offers you a glimpse into where your heart is at in your life’s journey. They will also indicate what you can do to create more life, wholeness and love in your heart.
    This deck will help you send healing love letters to your heart and build your inner strength. This is especially so after any difficult or painful experiences, as well to do readings about what could be in store for your adventurous heart journey in the future.

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  • 22.50

    Moonology Messages Oracle

    Yasmin Boland

    The Moon is whispering to you – are you listening?

    The Moonology Messages Oracle is a powerful divination tool that will connect you to your own innate wisdom and intuition.

    The ever-changing Moon speaks to those of us who are listening – leaving clues, hints and messages, which come through as feelings. These cards tap into those feelings, to offer clear guidance about you situation; where you are and the best way forwards.

    All you need to do is listen to Her whispers. The Moonology™ Messages Oracle taps into the Moon’s message via 48 beautiful Moon symbols, helping you navigate tricky times and back to peace.

    Be inspired to take action based on your inner knowing. The mystical Moon is there for us and guiding us. Use this oracle to ask a question and She will light the path ahead. Let Her help you access your own wisdom and knowledge.

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  • 22.50

    Angels & Auras Oracle

    Radleigh Valentine and Dougall Fraser

    Receive divine guidance, decode auras, and weave healing color energy into your spiritual practice with this powerful and playful Angels & Auras Oracle deck.

    Angels & Auras is a powerful and playful approach to self-discovery and divination for all those looking to bring magical vibrancy to their spiritual practice. Also, infuse some much-needed color back into your life!

    Within the Angels and Auras Oracle, 12 core cards represent specific archangels and their aura colors. These lead the reader down a path of self-discovery. These cards demonstrate how the angels regularly speak to us through the language of color. The remaining cards provide a heavenly chorus of support and are purposefully created with divine wisdom in mind. Each message depicts colorful images to inspire and remind the reader that we live in a vibrant world of energy.

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  • Tea Leaf Fortune Cards

    Tea Leaf Fortune Cards

    Rae Hepburn

    The Tea Leaf Fortune Cards set offers an innovative system for reading with 200 beautifully illustrated cards depicting the traditional tea leaf symbols. The 98-page guidebook explains how to divine fortunes using tea leaves or Tea Leaf Fortune Cards.
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  • Urban Crow Oracle

    Urban Crow Oracle

    MJ Cullinane

    Like dark sentinels observing our world through intelligent black eyes, many see crows as foreboding omens. But crows bond, mourn, play, and even remember faces, offering gifts to humans they like and dive-bombing humans who have wronged them. This 54-card oracle deck and guidebook connects you to the mystical messages and intuitive insights of these clever and captivating birds, from the sacred space of a nest to the gift of a shiny trinket.

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  • Healing spirits oracle

    Healing Spirits Oracle Cards

    Gordon Smith

    Discover the path to inner healing and deep spiritual connection with this unique Healing Spirits oracle deck.Are you looking to heal but don’t know where to start? Are you learning how to help and heal others? The Healing Spirits Oracle is the perfect tool to help you find guidance, spiritual awareness and healing on all levels.

    This oracle will bring balance and open your consciousness to higher possibilities with answers channelled from Healing Spirits and Helpers, Spirit Guides, Spirit Sages and Masters and Guardian Spirits. Each card offers inspirational messages from different levels of the spirit world to help you understand your true purpose and grow on your spiritual path.

    The accompanying guidebook provides insightful interpretations of each of the cards. Whether you’re looking for solutions to the deeper mysteries of your life, protection from fears, help with healing or finding your true purpose, The Healing Spirits Oracle will guide you along your journey of healing toward the life that you desire.

    Find your path to inner healing, call on the guidance of spirit and open yourself to the incredible and loving world beyond with this beautifully illustrated oracle.

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  • Healing Waters Oracle

    Healing Waters Oracle

    Discover the sacred healing powers of water and find support, connection, and guidance with this beautiful 44-card activating oracle from Rebecca Campbell.


    From the watery world of the mother to the sacred waters of the world, the physical and mystical element of water has been revered since ancient times as holding the power to heal.

    The Healing Waters Oracle is a call to tune in to the sacred rivers, lakes, seas, and oceans that surround us, and celebrate water as our most precious resource. Where there is water there is Life; where there is Life there is water. This oracle and accompanying guidebook invite us to see water and all of Life as sacred.

    Complete with mesmerizing digital montage imagery from visionary artist Katie-Louise, this activating oracle card deck was created by Rebecca Campbell, the best-selling author of Light Is the New Black and Rise Sister Rise, and creator of the Work Your Light Oracle, The Starseed Oracle and The Rose Oracle.

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  • 97819225736989781922573698

    Luminous Humanness Oracle

    By Kelly Sullivan Walden

    The Luminous Humanness Oracle is simply stunning.

    To be luminous is to be at ease with your inner gold. In feeling and freeing your authentic, connected, and whole self, your light illuminates your path and possibilities so you can move forward in confidence and clarity, excited for all that awaits you.

    Bestselling author Kelly Sullivan Walden rolls insight, imagination, and joy into this gorgeous oracle, elevating perspective and turning everyday tedium into treasured moments and glowing experiences. Laila Savolainen’s artworks allow you to hold the transcendent in your hands and its truths in your heart. Play with these cards for a few minutes each day to invite a more radiant life to meet you, wherever you are at.

    A beautiful 44-card and 116-page guidebook set for guidance, contemplation, self-discovery, and finding your shine.

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  • 23.50

    Mary Magdalene Oracle

    Meggan Watterson

    In the Mary Magdalene Oracle, celebrate divine feminine wisdom and The Gospel of Mary Magdalene’s revolutionary teachings of radical love.

    Discover a uniquely feminist lens offering a ground-breaking new perspective on an archetypal divine feminine figure.

    In this stunning oracle, Meggan Watterson, a Harvard-trained theologian and scholar of the divine feminine, distils Mary Magdalene’s radical wisdom into a 44-card journey of awakening.

    Leading you card by card through the spiritual teachings of Mary’s gospel as well as the pivotal moments in the legend of her life, These Oracle Cards holds long-overdue reverence for Mary Magdalene as an important teacher in her own right, and delivers a message that could fundamentally change how we understand Christianity.

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  • The Tarot Bible

    The Tarot Bible

    by Sarah Bartlett

    The Tarot Bible teaches you everything you need to know about tarot, including how to choose the right pack of cards and how to ask questions. It features interpretations for every card of the Major and Minor Arcana, practical advice on how to give readings and how you can use tarot in combination with other divination techniques such as numerology, astrology and crystals. The book also features over 30 tarot layouts that you can use to gain insights into yourself, your relationships and your future.

    This is a comprehensive guide to the symbolism and meaning of every card Features simple and complex spreads for divining the future and assessing where you are now.

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  • Mindfulness Cards

    “Pause” Mini Mindfulness Cards

    Take a moments pause with these mini mindfulness cards.

    Help someone special to pause and reflect with these 28 pop-open cards. Featuring a different message inside each card, this gift is sure to help someone wind-down.

    Features: – 28 pop-open cards – 28 different messages

    60 h 65 w 65 d mm

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  • 28.50

    The Muse Tarot

    By Chris-Anne

    Infused with a wildly eclectic spirit, The Muse Tarot will illuminate your path toward inspiration and magic with its bright symbolism and powerful Muse energy. The suits are recast as Emotions (Cups), Inspiration (Wands), Voices (Swords), and Materials (Pentacles). These cards deliver messages from the source of creation. The detailed guidebook contains card meanings, poetry, and word prompts to offer insight into your readings while stoking the sparks of your creativity. Ignite the Muse within!

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  • 22.50

    Archangel Michael Sword of Light Oracle Cards

    By Radleigh Valentine

    Meet Archangel Michael as you’ve never seen him before. Also, receive his guidance and gifts in the Archangel Michael Sword of Light Oracle Cards. All from an acclaimed angel oracle creator.

    Archangel Michael wants you to feel safe, no matter your spiritual inclination. You are never alone and you are always adored as a child of the Divine. Traditional depictions of Michael focus on his strength in a warlike manner, often depicting him in battle. However, this deck reveals the many other gifts he brings to your life. In addition, they reveal the gentle love with which he provides protection. Michael is depicted in different forms, including different races and gender identities, as a reminder that his power is open to all and always available.

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  • 29.50

    Universal Waite Tarot

    The classic tarot deck, recoloured by Mary Hanson-Roberts.

    The renowned Original Rider Waite Tarot Deck, designed over a hundred years ago, has been hugely popular for decades.

    The Universal Waite Tarot Deck is a recoloured version of the Original Rider Waite Tarot Deck. Its combination of softer colour tones with a naturalistic approach offers a more visually soothing alternative to the Original Rider Waite Tarot Deck.

    It includes an instruction booklet with an Introduction by Stuart R. Kaplan.

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