Angel Cards
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65 Products
Blue Angel Oracle
By Toni Carmine Salerno
Archangel Michael is here as your loving protector and guide. Journey with his presence to experience pathways of light and know the sacred space within your heart that connects you with eternal wisdom. This sublime oracle brings you to truth through the compassion and strength of the Blue Angel. The messages and imagery, both ethereal and familiar, embody and encourage the wonder of collaboration between you and the great unknowable creative intelligence of the Universe.
45 Transcendent Cards and Full-Colour Guidebook from the Illuminating World of Toni Carmine Salerno.
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Moonology Manifestation Oracle Cards
Yasmin Boland
The Moonology Manifestation Oracle Cards is beautiful card deck to help you get in tune with the Moon and manifest a life full of abundance, magic, and joy.Manifesting with the Moon has never been easier! Discover how to use the Moon as a cosmic timer to create the life of your dreams.Also, supercharge your manifesting powers and find out how to consciously create positive change in your life with this magical 48-card oracle from bestselling Moonologer Yasmin Boland. Features beautiful cosmic collage imagery. In addition, each card explains what you’re bringing into your life, and how and when to supercharge your manifesting powers to achieve what you most desire. Click here to see the other items in the category.
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“Pause” Mini Mindfulness Cards
Take a moments pause with these mini mindfulness cards.
Help someone special to pause and reflect with these 28 pop-open cards. Featuring a different message inside each card, this gift is sure to help someone wind-down.
Features: – 28 pop-open cards – 28 different messages
60 h 65 w 65 d mm
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True Love Oracle
By Belinda Grace
Illustrated by Lori Banks
True Love Oracle cards will guide you to new levels of understanding, confidence and trust – they will shine a light so you can attract and create the love you desire.
Learn about what you truly need in relationships, what you long for and how to attract it into your life as you become more emotionally and spiritually fulfilled.
Imbued with healing energy and colour, the cards have been channeled through the highest frequency by fine artist Lori Banks.
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Raise Your Vibration Oracle
Kyle Gray
Tune in to the frequency of these beautiful Raise Your Vibration Oracle cards to cultivate high-vibe practices and align your energy with living a heart-centred life.
Each engaging card in this deck will bring you closer to a higher frequency and help you find inner confidence, self-trust and purpose. There are 11 themes such as ‘Ignite’, ‘Express’, ‘Activate’ and ‘Manifest.’ The cards align with one of the 11 chakras (including four higher chakras: Earth Star, Gaia Gateway, Soul Star and Stellar Gateway) and kundalini to offer you guidance for any challenge or question. In addition, you’ll learn to trust in the support and love from the Universe. You will feel confident in your spiritual practice and attract positivity, miracles and joy into your life. Also, you’ll also find inspiration through the high-vibe illustrations by Ari Wisner and feel supported by each carefully curated message. Finally, through this deck, Kyle shows you how to discover your true potential. You can elevate your vibration and create an incredible life.
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Archangel Michael Sword of Light Oracle Cards
By Radleigh Valentine
Meet Archangel Michael as you’ve never seen him before. Also, receive his guidance and gifts in the Archangel Michael Sword of Light Oracle Cards. All from an acclaimed angel oracle creator.
Archangel Michael wants you to feel safe, no matter your spiritual inclination. You are never alone and you are always adored as a child of the Divine. Traditional depictions of Michael focus on his strength in a warlike manner, often depicting him in battle. However, this deck reveals the many other gifts he brings to your life. In addition, they reveal the gentle love with which he provides protection. Michael is depicted in different forms, including different races and gender identities, as a reminder that his power is open to all and always available.
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Archangel Oracle Cards
Diana Cooper
The Archangel Oracle Cards offer guidance, protection and healing. Find answers and divine help. Just ask a question and choose one of the uplifting cards from the deck.
Similarly, receive guidance and healing from the archangels. Also, find answers, protection and love through the uplifting energy of this divine oracle deck from author Diana Cooper.
Heavenly help is available at any given moment. Just open ourselves to receiving divine energy from Source. Through this deck Diana Cooper has created a way for you to connect with and receive guidance from 44 beloved archangels. The archangels include Michael, Raphael, Gabriel and the mighty Metatron. Also, Diana has included lesser known angels such as Raguel and Fhelyai. Diana also introduces several Seraphims in this deck, including Archangel Roquiel and Seraphim Seraphisa. These powerful 12th dimensional angels maintain the vibration of creation and help divine visions to manifest. They are just starting to connect with humanity.
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Angel Guide Oracle
Kyle Gray
The Angel Guide Oracle deck reminds spiritual seekers that loving, divine guidance is always available to anyone.
Connect with your very own guardian angels. Also there are 44 powerful messages of divine inspiration, love, and positive action.
Everyone has one or more angels with them at all times; they are always there to offer guidance and support. This oracle deck encourages spiritual seekers to connect with their very own angels. Instead of focusing on named angels or higher beings from spiritual texts, this deck is open to interpretation so that it offers a space for everyone to find an angel they relate to.
Some messages in this oracle guide the seeker to develop their own interpretations in an intuitive way (‘Blessings and Abundance’, ‘Surrender, and ‘Divine Timing’) while others prompt positive action from the seeker (‘Take a Step Back’, ‘Clear, Cancel and Release’, and ‘Expect Miracles’). The Angel Guide Oracle can be easily used by complete beginners and will inspire spiritual seekers wherever they are on their journey to tap into their intuition and feel their angels’ presence by their side.
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Gateway of Light Activation Oracle
Kyle Gray
The Gateway of Light Activation Oracle depicts 44 ethereal gateways and portals to help users connect with their energy center.
Step through 44 illuminating gateways to realign your energy space and reach your own infinite potential.
This oracle is a stargate portal between this realm and the next, connecting you with the infinite intelligence of the universe. As a result, each card forms an energetic bridge to help you connect with the divine guidance and ancient wisdom of spiritual retreat spaces. Also, you will connect to guardian light beings, and your own chakra energy centers through intuitive readings and dynamic spreads. On this journey you’ll connect with Divine Consciousness and receive messages to raise your vibration.
Kyle Gray has teamed up with artist Jennifer Hawkyard to create this dynamic and unique oracle. It features vibrant imagery, energetic activations and also empowering guidance to help you to
Experience an ‘energetic upgrade’
Rebalance and reconnect with your true self
Discover the possibilities held by other realms and ethereal retreats
Find a connection to your own personal energy space
Uncover your true purpose in this world
When your intention is combined with the imagery of the cards and the empowering messages in the accompanying guidebook, divine wisdom is activated within. You were born to light up the world, let the gateways support your destiny!
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Daily Crystal Inspiration
With this Daily Crystal Inspiration deck, all you need to do is pick a card and trust your soul’s intuition. Each card features colorful photographs of Mother Earth’s most energy-filled crystals. In addition there are short descriptions of each crystal’s strongest ability and core soul affirmation. From Amazonite to Rose Quartz, every crystal carries an energy that can help your spirit in a uniquely specific way. Whether you are going through a tumultuous time in your relationship, feeling stuck financially, or have a mental block at work, your intuition will help you to pick the card you need to unlock the clarity your spirit is craving.In the deck’s accompanying guidebook, Energy Muse co-founder and Crystal Muse and Crystal365 author Heather Askinosie provides each crystal’s history and properties. Also the message that each crystal has for you and a simple ritual that you can use to take action in your life immediately.
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Absolute Affirmations
Krystal Banner
Manifest the life of your dreams and keep your vibration high with this 44-card affirmation deck.
Filled with bold, colourful imagery that infuses the contemporary everyday world with magic and meaning, Absolute Affirmations focuses on positivity, empowerment and inspiration with an affirmation and message on each card.
With affirmations like I advocate for myself with the image of a bullhorn or I choose love with the number 143 beside the symbol for “likes” on social media, this deck combines instantly familiar symbols with powerful intention. Speak your affirmations into the universe and manifest your new reality.
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White Light Oracle
Alana Fairchild
Artwork by A. Andrew GonzalezAccording to the White Light Oracle you have a light within you. Trust in that light and in your own courage. Also, the light is strong enough to guide, support and empower you to fulfil your sacred purpose of healing and soulful manifestation. White light holds all the frequencies needed for healing ourselves, each other, our planet and all her precious creatures. It is divine medicine for the soul, empowering the heart, clarifying the mind, and awakening higher consciousness. This light is within you and all around you. You were born to be that light. The Universe rallies to encourage, inspire and embolden you to manifest your sacred destiny.
This 44-card and guidebook set features luminous imagery from visionary artist A. Andrew Gonzalez. In addition there are enlightening messages with signature healing processes from bestselling author Alana Fairchild to help you integrate the loving soul medicine of white light.
In conclusion, take your journey with complete trust, enjoying the divine beauty of your path, and knowing the light is always with you, revealing the way.
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Whispers of Healing Oracle Cards
Whispers of Healing Oracle Cards
Angela Hartfield
Artwork by Josephine WallThe Whispers of Healing Oracle is here to help you nourish, strengthen and restore yourself to emotional, physical, and spiritual wellness. You may wish to heal a broken heart, resolve a work challenge or discover ways to fine-tune your beliefs and attitudes. This deck is ready to journey by your side as a source of support, guidance and insight.
Turn to this oracle whenever your health seems compromised. The soothing energy and wisdom will help you navigate your way to balance, wholeness and wellness. Immerse yourself in Angela Hartfield’s profound messages. In addition enjoy the intricate detail of Josephine Wall’s inspired artwork. Finally. tap into the healing energy that abounds within and around you. It is time to unlock true, deep and complete personal healing.
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Dragon Wisdom Oracle
The Dragon Wisdom Oracle is a hands-on way to connect with the wisdom, love, and magic of dragons.
Each of the 43 cards features full-color dragon artwork that allows you to experience and activate dragon energies. Also, to use them on an intuitive level.
Also, the accompanying guidebook details the message of each dragon card. They offer meditative journeys and practical information on how to let dragon energy into your life. Learn how to meet your personal dragon
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Wisdom of the Hidden Realms
Colette Baron-Reid
Mystics have passed down stories of magical realms hidden from mortal sight, bridging the world of Nature and Spirit. Even before the written word, the ancients established a Divine partnership between humans and these Hidden Realms.
The Wisdom of the Hidden Realms cards represent some of those realms and their Queens and Kings, Princes, and other magical helpers. Let the Swan Queen point the way to transformation, the Arrow Master help you reach your goals, the Sun Dancers herald your victories, and the Sacred Union speak to the depth of your longing for love. Ask and ye shall receive, for the Highest Good is their motto. If you call upon them, they will answer.
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How to Love Yourself Cards
Louise Hay
Each of the 64 affirmation cards in the How to Love Yourself Cards has a message for you: You are safe in the Universe, and all Life loves and supports you. Every thought you think is creating your future, so choose positive thoughts and words about yourself and about Life. Choose to be at peace. Choose to see clearly with the eyes of love. Come from the loving space of your heart, and know that love opens all doors.
Affirmations are like planting seeds in the ground. It takes some time to go from a seed to a full-grown plant. And so it is with affirmations. It takes dome time from the first declaration to the final demonstration. Se be patient. – Louise Hay
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