Angel Cards

  • 23.50

    Numerology Guidance Cards

    Michelle Buchannan

    The Numerology Guidance Cards are the ultimate tools of divination, providing clarity and insight to assist you on your path.

    When you’re in need of answers, direction, inspiration and hope, these cards are for you. They will bridge the gap between your inner wisdom and the ‘universal wisdom of All That Is.’  All through the ancient energy of numbers.

    The Numerology Guidance Cards will reveal your future potential. They will uncover any conscious or subconscious blocks that are impeding the manifestation of your goals. Once these blocks have been identified and removed, you can begin to improve your life and actualize your dreams.

    Each of the 44 cards in this deck contains specific numbers, colours and words that assist in raising your energy vibration. In addition they include the ancient ‘Merkaba’ and ‘Flower of Life’ symbols to facilitate your spiritual growth. The accompanying guidebook offers additional information to aid you in interpreting your readings. Numerologist Michelle Buchanan didn’t design these cards to ‘predict’ your future – but rather to help you create the one you desire!

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    Click here to vist the Hayhouse page.

  • 22.50

    Dragon Oracle Cards

    Diana Cooper

    Dragons are beautiful, wise, open-hearted etheric beings of the angelic realms. They are sent here by Source to help and assist us. They operate on a different vibrational frequency to us, which is why most people can’t see them, but they are very willing to connect with us if we are ready to tune in to their wavelength.

    Dragons really love the planet and everyone on it, and are pouring into Earth now to help us with the transition to the new Golden Age.

    They can protect and care for you, be your friend and companion, and help in a myriad of ways. The help they can offer depends on the type of dragon they are. For example, earth dragons can move in front of you, clearing and lighting up your path; fire dragons burn up the lower energies around you; water dragons help you to flow round challenging situations and people; and air dragons help you to rise above earthly matters. As you work with these Dragon Cards you will discover many ways in which dragons can support your life, assist your spiritual growth and illuminate your ascension path. These Dragon Oracle Cards will attune you to the different dragons. They will also offer you guidance about your daily life, your soul mission, your ascension path, and how you can serve the planet.

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    Click here to vist the Hayhouse page.

  • 23.95

    Runes Oracle Cards

    The runes are an ancient and powerful set of symbols originating in northern Europe. Discover how this magical alphabet can help you channel the sacred wisdom of the Norse Gods.

    As a divination system, meditation tool, or a talisman, the Rune Oracle Cards can be used to illuminate your life and manifest transformation.

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    Click here to vist the Lo Scarabeo page.

  • 28.50

    Psychic Tarot of the Heart

    John Holland

    The Psychic Tarot for the Heart Oracle Deck, with its accompanying guidebook and 65 beautifully illustrated cards, was created to assist and guide you in matters of the heart, especially the different relationships in your life. Relationships of all kinds are really about you! They will often reflect back what you need to see and the lessons you need to learn.

    By using this deck and the techniques that psychic medium John Holland imparts, along with the wisdom of the tarot, you’ll begin to understand and look at relationships – past, present and future – with an intuitive eye. This deck is not just for lovers! These cards will resonate with anyone and add clarity around all types of relationships, including the most important one of all… the relationship with your self.

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    Click here to visit the Hayhouse page.

  • 34.50

    Medicine Cards

    Jamie Sams and David Carson

    Discover the tool that millions of people worldwide are using for guidance, inspiration, and help in finding answers to life’s questions. Now revised and expanded to include eight additional cards, this unique and powerful divination system draws upon ancient wisdom and tradition to teach the healing medicine of animals.

    Medicine Cards found its way into the hearts and hands of many, guiding the way to healing the body, emotions, mind, and spirit, and providing insight into and understand of one’s unique purpose in life.

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    Click here to vist the St. Martin’s Press page.

  • 25.95

    Magdalene Oracle

    An Ocean of Eternal Love

    Toni Carmine Salerno

    Throughout the ages, Magdalene has been seen as the Dark Goddess of gentle strength and authority, bearer of infinite compassion and wisdom. Her energy and the timeless wisdom she embodies are perhaps more relevant today than ever before. Calling upon this energy, ‘Magdalene Oracle’ provides insight and clarity into your current situation and helps answer your questions. The stunning card illustrations also offer healing beyond that which words alone can ever provide.

    Includes instructions on how to give detailed and accurate readings for yourself and others.

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    Click here to vist the Blue Angel page.

  • 31.00

    Crystal Spirits Oracle

    Colette Baron-Reid

    Internationally acclaimed spiritual teacher and best-selling author Colette Baron-Reid offers a vibrantly illustrated oracle deck of 58 crystals, each selected for their healing powers and ability to help you channel divine guidance from the Universe.Legends about the healing powers of crystals have endured for millennia, with stories passed among ancient healers, medicine men and women, and shamans. Every crystal is a gift from Mother Earth, offering a return to balance and well-being through their stabilizing energy. In The Crystal Spirits Oracle, internationally renowned spiritual teacher Colette Baron-Reid explores the unique personalities and properties of 58 crystals, with stunning art by Jena DellaGrottaglia. With the messages of the crystals, you’ll learn how to connect with divine guidance and align with the consciousness of the universe so you can take charge of your destiny.

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    Click here to vist the Colette Baron-Reid page.

  • 23.50

    In Earth Magic, Steven D. Farmer offers a unique synthesis of ancient spiritual practices and philosophies. These philosophies have proven over millennia to help heal the spiritual causes of physical and emotional illnesses. They also augment personal power, enhance manifestation abilities, and encourage a balanced and harmonious relationship with our Earth.

    With these cards, you’ll be able to connect with the key spirits in nature and harness their unique elemental power. Beautifully designed and expressed with a rare sensitivity, you will want to revisit these cards whenever you need guidance.

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    Click here to vist Steven Farmer’s page.