984 Products

  • 10.50

    Peppermint Oil 10ml

    Peppermint has a light, refreshing and a clear minty aroma. This oil is especially good for digestive problems and to refresh a tired mind, hence great for concentration and study.

    In the manufacturing it is steam distilled from the leaves of the herb. It is analgesic, antibacterial, anticatarrhal, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, a digestive stimulant and an insect repellent. However,  Do not use if pregnant or breast feeding. Do not use on childern under the age of 5.

    Avoid using on people with epilepsy, heart disease or fever. Do not use at more than 2% dilution on the skin or mucous membrane areas. Finally do not apply more than 1ml per 24 hours.

    Mice and rats dislike the smell of peppermint so sprinkled on runs can act as a useful deterrent.

    Associated with the Throat & Sacral Chakras.

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  • 9.00

    Pine Scotch Oil 10ml

    Pine Scotch Oil comes from Siberia and is steam distilled from the needles, young twigs and cones.

    In terms of how the oil helps us physically, it is antibacterial, anticatarrhal, antirheumatic, a decongestant and a neurotonic.

    Also, it is non toxic and non irritant in prescribed doses.

    Scotch Pine is said to be the only Pine which survived the Ice Ages; it can survive at – 40C.

    In addition, we associate Scotch Pine with the Heart and Brow Chakras and the Chinese Element Metal.

    Pinus Sylvestris is known as Scotch Pine in English, but as Norway Pine in Scandinavia, it grows all over Europe.

    The oil is extensively used for disinfectants, room sprays and other household products. This a fine oil from Siberia, the major producer of pinus sylvestris.

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  • 9.50

    Refresh Aromatherapy Blend 10ml

    The Refresh Aromatherapy Blend Containis Spearmint, Lime & Sweet Orange. As a result, this blend is specially designed to revitalise the body and elevate the senses.

    It is truly the natural alternative to help you re-energise.

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  • 13.00

    Romance Aromatherapy Blend 10ml

    The Romance Aromatherapy Blend is the natural alternative to enhance the mood. It is hand blended with Patchouli, Jasmine, Lime, Orange, Rose, Petitgrain, Ylang Ylang, Ho Wood, Spearmint, Benzoin, Cedarwood, Champaka.

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  • 8.00

    Rosemary Oil 10ml

    Rosemary Oil is the classic ‘get up and go’ oil. It has a clear, fresh, herbaceous aroma. It is great used in a diffuser for concentration and study and also good to use in a shower gel to wake you up in the morning. In addition, Rosemary is also great to use in a massage blend for muscular aches and pains.

    In manufacturing they steam distill the oil from the sprigs. It is antibacterial, anticatarrhal, antirheumatic, antispasmodic, neurotonic and an expectorant. However, do not use if pregnant or breast feeding. Do not use on children under the age of 2. Do not use on people with epilepsy or fever. Finally, do not use at more than 2% dilution on the skin or mucous membrane areas.

    This oil was used in the Middle Ages to drive away evil spirits.

    Associated with the  3rd Eye and Heart Chakras.

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  • 9.00

    Tea Tree Oil 10ml

    Tea Tree is deeply cleansing, thus an important oil for use in infections, problem skin, colds and flu. It boosts the immune system. It is often used in hand washes and skin care.

    The oil is steam distilled from the leaves of the bush. It is antibacterial, antifungal, anti-infectious, an immune tonic, antiviral and an analgesic. In addition, it is non toxic and non irritant in prescribed doses.

    Associated with the Throat Chakra.

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  • 20.60

    Thyme Sweet Oil 10ml

    Thyme Sweet Oil comes from Spain and is produced by steam-distillation of the leaves and flowering tops.

    In terms of how the oil helps us physically, it is antibacterial, anticatarrhal, anti-infectious, a neurotonic, a digestive stimulant and  antirheumatic.

    Also, it is non toxic and non irritant in prescribed doses.

    In addition, we associate Thyme Sweet with the Base and Heart Chakras and the Chinese Elements Water and Metal.

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  • 12.50

    Bergamot Oil 10ml

    Bergamot is strongly antiseptic and uplifting. It has a sweet fruity, citrus aroma and is clear in colour. As a result, Bergamot is the perfect oil to help lift that Monday-morning feeling any day of the week! The bergaptene content of this oil causes photosensitivity in sunlight.

    Use Bergamot in massage, but only by qualified aromatherapists. It is ideal for the home oil burner/diffuser.

    Use in a burner to cleanse and uplift a room’s atmosphere. Experiment by blending with the other citrus oils, Cedarwood, Frankincense, Lavender or Clary Sage.

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  • 7.20

    Cedarwood Atlas Oil 10ml

    Cedarwood Atlas Oil comes from Morocco and is distilled from sawdust or chopped waste wood.

    The name Cedrus originates from the Arabic word Kedron which means ‘Power.’

    In terms of how the oil helps us physically, it is antirheumatic, calmative, antiparasitic, anticatarrhal,  a lymphatic decongestant, antiseptic, and an astringent.

    Also, it is non toxic and non irritant in prescribed doses.

    In addition, we associate Cedarwood with the Base or Root Chakra and the Chinese Element Water.

    The Cedarwood is a large evergreen conifer that grows to a height of up to 50 meters. It has needle like leaves and brown cones.

    Moreover, cedarwood’s anti-septic, deodorising and insect-repellent properties make it a very useful oil for burning or diffusing.

    Try blending with any of the citrus oils.

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  • 12.50

    Clary Sage Oil 10ml

    The best Clary Sage comes from Russia, which is by far the most important producer. France, however, often plays a significant role in distribution. It is very uplifting and due to its antispasmodic properties, can be very soothing for menstrual pain and muscular stiffness.

    The oil is steam distilled from the flowering tops and leaves and is Analgesic, Antispasmodic, Calmative, Neurotonic, Uterine tonic.

    It is Non toxic and non irritant in prescribed doses and relates to the Base & Sacral Chakra

    Clary Sage is a herb which grows up to 120cm in height. It has white flowers which vary in colour from pale blue or lavender pink.

    The pungent, herbaceous aroma of Clary Sage has a strongly uplifting yet soothing effect on the mind. In times of worry, try soaking in a warm bath containing 2 drops of Clary Sage, 2 drops of Geranium and 3 drops of Lavender, all diluted in a teaspoon of Peach Kernel oil.

    An excellent relaxing massage oil can be made by blending 1 drop of Clary Sage, 1 drop of Roman Chamomile and 2 drops of Sandalwood in 10ml of Sweet Almond oil.

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  • 12.00
    Equilibrium Aromatherapy Blend 10ml

    At times when life is challenging, The Equilibrium Aromatherapy Blend can help to soothe and balance. In addition, it is especially helpful for women during menstruation and the menopause.

    This blend contains wonderfuly balancing oils such as Frankincense, Vetiver and Rose. As a result. the blend is great for restoring the body’s optimal emotional balance.

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  • 6.50

    Eucalyptus Globulus Oil 10ml

    Eucalyptus Globulus is a wonderfully clearing, camphoraceous essential oil. As a result, it is excellent for colds and chills. Australian Aborigines refer to the plant as ‘Kino’ and bind the leaves to serious wounds.

    The oil is from China and is steam distilled from the fresh or partly dried, long and narrow leaves of the tree.

    It is Analgesic, Antibacterial, Anticatarrhal, Antifungal, Antiviral, Decongestant, Antirheumatic and in addition is non toxic and non irritant in prescribed doses.

    It is associated with the Third Eye and Heart Chakra.

    Eucalyptus Globulus is extremely useful during the winter months. It can be very effective in a steam inhalation.

    Try adding 2 drops Eucalyptus, 1 drop Roman Chamomile and 1 drop Lavender to a bowl of just-boiled water. Lean over the bowl (not too close) with a towel covering your head and inhale the vapours for a few minutes. Alternatively, blend the same oils in two teaspoons of Sweet Almond oil and massage into the chest and back.

    Blended with Citronella or Cedarwood in an oil burner, Eucalyptus can help maintain an insect-free BBQ!  Alternatively, try the lemon-scented Eucalyptus Citriodora as a very powerful natural insect-repellent.

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  • 76.50

    Woodstock Chimes of Earth Bronze

    When Woodstock designed the Chimes of Earth they handcrafted them for superior musical performance. They  hand-tune the chime to a universal, pentatonic scale and it acts in concert with the wind to create random patterns of wonderful sound. It will also harmonise beautifully with all the other Encore Collection windchimes.

    The Earth is the only planet whose name does not come from Greek or Roman mythology.

    The manufacturer made the chime with a removable windcatcher that can be taken to a trophy shop, printer or jeweler to be engraved or silk-screened.

    This chime carries a lifetime tuning guarantee.

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  • 23.50

    Chimes of Mars – Silver

    Named after the Roman god of war, Mars is the 4th planet from the sun. It’s nickname comes from the iron oxide that is so prevalent on its surface, which gives it a reddish appearance.

    This wind chime is designed and handcrafted for superior musical performance. It is hand-tuned to a universal, pentatonic (five-note) scale and acts in concert with the wind to create random patterns of wonderful sound. Harmonizes beautifully with all the other Encore Collection windchimes.

    This chime carries a lifetime tuning guarantee.

    This chime is designed to hang from a string loop, rather than an o-ring.

    Also, this chime was designed with a removable windcatcher that can be taken to a trophy shop, printer or jeweler to be engraved or silk-screened.

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