1073 Products

  • 2.00


    Apatite is a dual-action stone, known for its positive use of personal power to achieve goals. It clears away confusion, apathy or negativity, then, stimulates the intellect to expand knowledge and truth, which may be used for personal growth or for the collective good.

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  • 6.00

    Ruby Fuchsite Large

    Ruby Fuchsite is the natural combination of both ruby and fuchsite crystals in a single specimen. It is also known as corundum and is a variety of muscovite.

    Ruby Fuchsite has the capacity to help heal the heart, removing any blockages to loving energies. It can help open you to psychic awareness and the realms of spirit and the natural world

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  • 1.50

    Tiger Iron

    Tiger Iron, sometimes called Mugglestone, is a combination of Gold Tiger’s Eye, Hematite and Red Jasper. Its name refers to the composition of the stone, Tiger Eye and Hematite which is a stone rich in iron.

    Use as a grounding stone to build stamina and encourage creative expression.

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  • 6.00


    Chiastolite is a quite unique deep brown stone with a natural black cross formation in its structure.  These stones have strong metapsychical properties, as in meditation they will aid you to connect with the akashic records to discover past life information.

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    Dalmation Jasper

    Dalmation Jasper is a stone that aids you to break down barriers that you have created as protection around yourself. The black spots are Black Tourmaline, and so it also embodies the energy of this stone, and will aid you with spiritual matters.

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    Golden Sheen Obsidian

    Golden Sheen Obsidian’s energy creates a protective shield that deflects negativity and repels attempts of others to assert power over us. It helps us to uncover our unique skills and hidden talents whilst releasing blockages to our spiritual and personal growth.

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  • 6.50


    Rhodochrosite is called the Stone of the Compassionate Heart. It is the quintessential gemstone of love and compassion. It brings true joy to one’s life, heals old wounds and makes it possible to love oneself and others unconditionally.

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    Dumortierite breaks the karmic cycle of co-dependancy. It is great for carers and it assists in standing up confidently for yourself.

    Instills unshakeable confidence,overcomes fear, stage fright, shyness, panic, insomnia, depression and stubbornness. Dumortierite promotes self discipline.

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  • 1.50

    Ocean Jasper

    Ocean Jasper can be called orbicular jasper but may be a form of chalcedony (Quartz).

    Ocean Jasper creates good feelings to relieve stress and worry. They are excellent healing stones that encourage a feeling of joy and elevated spirits.  Excellent stones to help you if you need a lift. As they help you to release negative feelings, you feel more optimistic.

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    Ruby Zoisite

    Ruby Zoisite is the natural combination of both ruby and zoisite crystals in a single specimen. It is also known as anyolite.

    It activates the crown chakra and facilitates access to the soul memory. Ruby Zoisite promotes individuality while at the same time retaining interconnectedness with rest of humanity. It is also a detoxifier.

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  • Jet



    Jet draws out negative energy and alleviates unreasonable fears.

    It is a stone of protection and it guards against violence and illness. Jet assists spiritual enlightenment.

    Jet promotes taking control of life and stabilises finance and business. It balances mood swings and alleviates depression.

    Jet is identifiable by how light it is.

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  • 1.50


    Merlinite, also known as Dendritic Agate, brings magic and luck into your life. This stone is attuned to the four elements.

    It brings Harmony and is balancing( Yin and Yang) blending spiritual and earthly vibrations and grounding them to the body.

    A powerful cleanser, it reprogrammes ingrained patterns of behaviour.

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    In ancient times Peridot was believed to keep away evil spirits.

    It is a protective stone for your aura and a powerful cleanser.

    Peridot releases old baggage, burdens guilts or obsessions and alleviates jealousy, resentment spite and anger.

    It promotes self forgiveness and banishes lethargy. Strengthens metabolism and benefits the skin. It aids child birth strengthening muscles.

    Peridot is also the green element of Connemara Marble. These crystals are extremely small so we sell multiples of them in small bags for the unit price.

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  • 4.00

    Mangano Calcite

    Mangano Calcite is a stone for forgiveness and will release grief and fear that keep the heart trapped in the past.

    It brings unconditional love. It assists in recovering self worth and acceptance and its gentle energy dissolves resistance.

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  • 4.50


    Aquamarine is a stone of courage. It reduces stress and quiets the mind.

    It protects against pollutants, invokes tolerance of others and sharpens intuition.

    It is helpful with clairvoyance and is excellent for meditation.

    The tumbled pieces are quite small, or may come as a small bag of chips if tumbles aren’t available.

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  • 5.00

    Serpentine/New Jade

    Serpentine or New Jade is a protective stone against the powers of darkness.

    Powerful on the heart and sacral chakras, it treats cardiac irregularities, kidney disorders, stomach and bowel trouble. It evens out mood swings and calms the wearer in stressful hectic situations.

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