984 Products

  • 25.00

    Rose Quartz Pyramid

    4.5cm x 4cm

    A Rose Quartz Pyramid is a stone of  unconditional love. It works with the heart/heart chakra and brings inner healing and calm.

    It attracts love and is very good for trauma or crisis.

    See our main Crystals page here.

  • 65.00

    Selenite Lamp 30cm

    A Selenite Lamp brings clarity to mind. Opening the crown chakras, it is a calm stone that instills deep peace and is excellent for meditation. Selenite assists judgment and insight. It clears confusion and aids seeing the deeper picture. In addition it promotes flexibility and guards against epileptic seizures. Finally, it is an excellent stone for breast feeding and nurturing children.

    See our main Crystals page here.

  • 1.50

    Picasso Marble

    Picasso Marble or Picasso Jasper or Stone is a type of marble. The name originally came from the sculptors who were using it.

    The sculptors thought that the colors and patterns in the stone resembled Pablo Picasso’s work and so they named it that way.

    Depending on where you wish to purchase it, you may find any of the various names being used, even though it is not really a Jasper.

    This type of marble is only found in one location, in Utah in the United States.

    Please click  here to return to the crystal page.

  • 1.50

    Mother of Pearl

    Mother of Pearl or Nacre is created by mollusks to protect their soft interior tissue. The difference between these and pearls is placement, with the former being formed on the inner linings of a shell.

    A pearl, on the other hand, is created when a foreign object enters the shell. The mollusk will then encase the foreign object in order to protect itself. The material used to create the encasement is the same nacre.

    The end result of this foreign object being encased in nacre is a round-shaped pearl. However, mother of pearl takes the shape of the shell that it lines.

    Please click  here to return to the crystal page.

  • 6.95

    Chakra T Light Set

    The Chakra T Light Set contains seven individual t lights representing the colours most associated with the seven Chakras. Each are individually scented and marked with the image of their respective chakra.
    The fragrances in the Chakra T Light Set are as follows:
    Muladhara – Chakra 1 (red). The fragrance is a mix of Cassia, Clove and Nutmeg.
    Swadhishthana – Chakra 2 (orange). The fragrance is a mix of Cedar, Spruce and Rosemary.
    Manipur – Chakra 3 (yellow). The fragrance is a mix of Bergamot, Lime and Grapefruit.
    Anahata – Chakra 4 (green/pink). The fragrance is a mix of Lavender, Orange and Tangerine.
    Vishudha – Chakra 5 (blue). The fragrance is a mix of Moroccan Rose and Camomile.
    Ajna – Chakra 6 (indigo). The fragrance is a mix of  Lavender, Fir and Camomile.
    Sahasrara – Chakra 7 (purple) The fragrance is a mox of Patchouli, Labdanum and Frankincense.
    This fully natural product is made with 3% pure essential oils. The burning time in a glass is 5 to 6 hours.
    To see more in this range, click here.
  • 24.50

    Ohm Lotus Tapestry

    The Ohm Lotus Tapestryfeatures Ohm,the sound of the Universe. It is the ultimate mantra representing human consciousness, the Divine in each of us, as well as our interconnectivity. The golden lotus flower represents all achievements of enlightenment. A lotus flower in full bloom and open represents full enlightenment and self awareness.

    Material: 100% cotton.

    In addition, the tapestry is 100% cotton. One must hand wash it in cold water.

    147 x 208 cm

    Please click here to see the Wall Hangings page.

  • 27.50

    Chakra Chime Turquoise

    The Chakra Chime Turquoise represents the Throat Chakra – sound and self-expression.

    The Throat Chakra involves communication, sound and creativity.

    Black finish ash wood, 6 silver polished aluminum rods, stone windcatcher, stone accents. Hang this chime from a string loop, rather than an o-ring.

    17 inches in length

    For more products in this section click here.

  • 24.50

    Personalised Cushion Cover

    We print this Personalised Cushion Cover using the dye-sublimation process and is of the highest quality.

    We can design the cushion with anything you want. Whether its for a Birthday, Anniversary, Wedding, Communion, Confirmation or to remember someone who has passed. All we need from you is the details and we’ll do the rest. Give us an idea of the wording you would like, along with colours and we will put the design together for you.

    After your purchase is complete, please email us directly on [email protected] with your picture. Alternatively, you can use WhatsApp to send the image through using the “How can I help you?” button below.

    In addition, you can add the text you require on the email or WhatsApp text.

    Then, we will come back to you with a proof for your approval.

    Allow up to three days for us to get back to you.

    Please click here to return to the main category.

    All personalised products use a dye-sublimation substrate specifically designed to frame and enhance full-colour photographs in a stunning and natural presentation. The manufacturer handcrafts each product with  to make any image a truly unique showcase. All products can vary in size slightly.

    They are ideal for cherished images of every kind including full-colour photos, awards, and other valuable keepsakes.

    Please click here to find our more about sublimation

  • 3.50

    Rainbow Aura Quartz

    Rainbow Aura Quartz makes a wonderful meditation companion. When trying to quieten the mind during meditation, aura quartz is a wonderful tool. To create this crystal, Quartz has been permanently treated by fusing titanium and niobium to it in a vacuum. The Titanium gives it it’s magical colours. Rainbow Aura Quartz is excellent for use when practicing astral traveling and for out of body experiences. Also, it is said to be great for helping to centre and calm erratic emotions. To access positive emotions hold Rainbow Aura Quartz while meditating.

    Please click  here to return to the crystal page.

    Click here to find out more about crystals.

  • 3.00

    Angel Aura Quartz

    Angel Aura Quartz is an exceptionally high vibration crystal that exudes positivity and light. It brings purity, joy, peace, and clarity. It can soothe emotional or spiritual distress and support you by lifting your vibration and sending you peace of mind.

    Please click  here to return to the crystal page.

  • 3.00

    Opalite Tumblestone

    Opalite clears the heart chakra while keeping your heart out of harm’s way. Opalite also assists in respiratory issues. If you have lung problems, asthma, or anything else of that nature, keep Opalite on you at all times.

    Please click  here to return to the crystal page.

  • 25.00

    Absolute Affirmations

    Krystal Banner

    Manifest the life of your dreams and keep your vibration high with this 44-card affirmation deck.

    Filled with bold, colourful imagery that infuses the contemporary everyday world with magic and meaning, Absolute Affirmations focuses on positivity, empowerment and inspiration with an affirmation and message on each card.

    With affirmations like I advocate for myself with the image of a bullhorn or I choose love with the number 143 beside the symbol for “likes” on social media, this deck combines instantly familiar symbols with powerful intention. Speak your affirmations into the universe and manifest your new reality.

    Click here to see the other items in the category.

  • 25.50

    White Light Oracle

    Alana Fairchild
    Artwork by A. Andrew Gonzalez

    According to the White Light Oracle you have a light within you. Trust in that light and in your own courage. Also, the light is strong enough to guide, support and empower you to fulfil your sacred purpose of healing and soulful manifestation.

    White light holds all the frequencies needed for healing ourselves, each other, our planet and all her precious creatures. It is divine medicine for the soul, empowering the heart, clarifying the mind, and awakening higher consciousness. This light is within you and all around you. You were born to be that light. The Universe rallies to encourage, inspire and embolden you to manifest your sacred destiny.

    This 44-card and guidebook set features luminous imagery from visionary artist A. Andrew Gonzalez. In addition there are enlightening messages with signature healing processes from bestselling author Alana Fairchild to help you integrate the loving soul medicine of white light.

    In conclusion, take your journey with complete trust, enjoying the divine beauty of your path, and knowing the light is always with you, revealing the way.

    Click here to see the other items in the category.

  • 19.95

    Original Angel Cards

    Kathy Tyler and Joy Drake

    One of the most powerful ways to connect with the angels. Angels are inner companions. they help us look at the world in ways that infuse our lives with vitality and assist us to experience the deepest levels of understanding, creativity, and caring. Each Angel card quality evokes your intuitive abilities and renews your spiritual connection.

    Created by Kathy Tyler and Joy Drake, the Angel Cards are an international best-seller–over 1.3 million sold in 6 languages. The Silver Anniversary Expanded Edition includes: 20 new cards, 20 bonus stickers of the new qualitites, pocket-size carrying case, and sturdy, flip-top box for selecting and storing cards.

    Click here to see the other items in the category.

  • 24.50

    Mediumship Training Deck

    John Holland and Lauren Rainbow

    The Mediumship Training Deck was created by John Holland and Lauren Rainbow to assist you in the development of your potential. When you understand the mechanics of how your gift works, you then become the master of it!

    In addition, the deck benefits everyone from the beginning student to the advanced. John and Lauren impart their knowledge, techniques, and lessons they have used for themselves . They have also taught them in mediumship-development workshops. Some areas of benefit are psychic abilities, auras, spiritual energy centers, mind focus, meditation, imagery and imagination. Use and train with these cards. Then you will enhance and strengthen your mediumship abilities and establish a stronger link between this world and the Spirit Realm.

    Click here to see the other items in the category.

  • 21.00

    Personalised Teddy Bear

    This Personalised Teddy Bear is printed using the dye-sublimation process and is of the highest quality.

    We can design the teddy with anything you want. Whether its for a Birthday, Anniversary, Wedding, Communion, Confirmation or to remember someone who has passed. All we need from you is the details and we’ll do the rest. Give us an idea of the wording you would like, along with colours and we will put the design together for you.

    Please email us directly on [email protected] with your picture. Alternatively you can use WhatsApp to send the image through using the “How can I help you?” button below.

    In addition you can add the text you require on the email or WhatsApp text.

    We will come back to you with a proof for your approval.

    Please allow up to three days for us to get back to you.

    Please click here to return to the main category. There are lots of different personalised products available. Call the shop for more details.