Lavender Oil 30ml
Lavender is the most widely used essential oil in aromatherapy. We value it particularly for its relaxing and antiseptic properties. It is a calming and stabilising oil and is good for many ailments such as headaches, muscular aches and pains. Also use Lavender for skin conditions, PMT and irritability.
The oil is steam distilled from the freshly cut flowering tops. It is Analgesic, Antibacterial, Antifungal, Anti-inflammatory, Antirheumatic, Antispasmodic, Calmative. In addition it is non toxic and non irritant in prescribed doses.
Associated with the Heart, Crown and Base Chakras.
Lavender is a hardy shrub which grows up to one meter in height.
Lavender has a fresh, floral, sweet aroma and is clear to pale yellow in colour. Our Lavender grows at around 1,000 metres in the foothills of the Alps, in the Provence region of France. It has a 44% Linalyl Acetate content indicating a superior quality oil. Its overall Ester content is 50-52%, which gives this exceptionally fine oil its gentle, rounded aroma.
We know Lavender best for its relaxing properties; try placing two drops on a handkerchief by your pillow at bedtime.
As Lavender blends very well with many other oils, try the following blend: 3 drops of Lavender Oil 30ml, 3 drops of Mandarin and 1 drop of Geranium in a teaspoon of Sweet Almond oil, add to a warm bath for a long, relaxing soak.
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