Hamsa Trinket Dish

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Hamsa Trinket Dish

A beautiful bright turquoise ceramic jewellery dish. Hamsa hand design with intricate pattern and gold edge. Ideal for holding jewellery and other small accessories.

Use this dish to hold your favourite crystals during your new moon or full moon rituals.

  • H2.5cm x W12cm x D14.5cm

Please click here to see crystals that you can store on this trinket dish.

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SKU: SDWHA32717 Categories: ,


Hamsa Trinket Dish

A beautiful bright turquoise ceramic jewellery dish. Hamsa hand design with intricate pattern and gold edge. Ideal for holding jewellery and other small accessories.

Use the hamsa trinket dish to hold your favourite crystals during your new moon or full moon rituals.

  • H2.5cm x W12cm x D14.5cm

Please click here to see crystals that you can store on this trinket dish.

The Phases of the Moon

The Hamsa Hand is a universal sign of protection, power, and strength that dates back to ancient Mesopotamia. Known as the Hand of Fatima in Islam and the Hand of Miriam in Judaism, it’s believed to protect against the evil eye and all negative energies.

The word “Hamsa” means “five,” representing the fingers of the right hand. For Hindus and Buddhists, it symbolizes chakras, energy flow in the body, the five senses, and the mudras that affect them.

Learn more about the moon phases here.


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    Please click here to return to the essential oils page.

Hamsa Trinket Dish


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