214 Products

  • 3.00

    Blue Lace Agate Tumblestone / Chips

    Blue Lace Agate is healing, cooling and calming. This crystal brings peace of mind neutralizes anger, inflammation and fever. Blue Lace Agate Tumblestone / Chips gives the holder peace of mind, it empowers the throat, heals thyroid deficiencies, treats arthritic and bone deformities.

    This crystal may arrive to you as either a tumblestone or a small bag of chips if tumbles are not available.

    See our main Crystals page here.

  • 1.50

    Snowflake Obsidian is associated with

    The Sacral chakra, calming and soothing, stone of purity,

    Balancing body mind and spirit

  • angelite tumblestone

    Angelite Tumblestone

    An Angelite tumblestone is filled with compassion. It transmutes pain into wholeness and healing, opening the way for spiritual inspiration.

    This crystal creates a deep feeling of peace and tranquility.

    It helps connect to universal knowledge and raises awareness. Angelite supports the throat, alleviating inflammation and balancing the thyroid. It helps to calm the mind, reduce anxiety, and guide you into relaxation.

    See our main Crystals page here.

  • 2.00

    Amethyst Tumblestone

    An Amethyst Tumblestone is a very powerful and protective crystal. It guards against Psychic attack and also blocks geopathic stress.

    Amethyst relates to the crown chakra and as a result is useful for achieving higher states of consciousness and also in meditation. It is very much a spiritual crystal and it enhances spiritual awareness.

    You do not have to cleanse Amethyst as you need to do with other as it is self-cleansing.

    See our main Crystals page here.

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    Clear Quartz

    Clear Quartz is the most powerful General Healer and raises energy to highest level. This is because of their unique crystalline structure which absorbs, stores and releases energy. For example, they are used to regulate the energy of a battery in a quartz watch. This is because the structure of the crystal is uniform and the structure has a measurable effect on the battery power.

    Comes in many forms including Points, polished points and Rough Pieces.

    See our main Crystals page here.

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    Rose Quartz Tumbles

    Rose Quartz Tumbles are stones of unconditional love. It works with the heart/heart chakra and brings inner healing and calm.

    It attracts love and is very good for trauma or crisis.

    See our main Crystals page here.