We are now offering Stress Buster Healing Sessions with Janet Kingston in Angel Times every Friday.
Janet practices two different healing modalities Reiki Energy healing and Rahanni Celestial Healing Sessions; here is some further information about both Energy Healing modalities.
Anyone can benefit from a Stress Buster Healing Session with Janet Kingston. Whether you are suffering with an anxiety related condition, low mood or sleep issues, maybe a physical ailment like back pain, headaches or even digestive and hormonal issues to name a few. Maybe you have none of the above but sometimes find it hard to switch off or relax and are looking for a way to get back into balance.
Janet is offering stress buster healing sessions in Angel Times Limerick every Friday.
A Reiki or Rahanni Session will help to increase energy levels, help boost low mood and has the capability to aid physical ailments all through energy healing.
To book a healing session in Angel Times please use the calendar below.
The word Reiki is made of two Japanese words. “Rei” means “God’s Wisdom or the Higher Power.” “Ki” means “life force energy”. So Reiki is actually spiritually guided life force energy. When our life force energy is fully functional, we are healthy; when it is disrupted or low we become ill. It is important to note that our own thoughts and feelings affect our life force energy. So if we are living with a more negative outlook this can have a knock on effect on our health. Reiki works on all the different levels, Physical body, Emotions, Mind and Spirit.
In a Reiki healing session the channelled Reiki energy comes in through the practitioners crown. It then comes out through their hands to the client. The healing then goes to where it is needed most. It clears the problem areas and they then begin to function in a healthy way. This brings about a sense of well-being, relieving stress to bring a deep sense of relaxation. It also promotes healing to any physical ailment. There are no side effects to Reiki and it can help with all conditions.
Janet has been offering Reiki Healing Sessions since 2004 and has had great results with clients over the years. The cost for a 1 hour session is €60 including €20 deposit.
Janet also teaches the three different levels of Tera Mai Reiki, see here for details.
In 2019 Janet trained in Rahanni Celestial Healing, this is a 5th dimensional healing using many of the Archangels and Ascended Masters. It will help to open your heart centre by clearing all the negative debris that has built up over many lifetimes. The body cannot heal itself if it is full of toxins and negativity. These have to be released first and then the real healing can take place. This is where Rahanni is so important and why it differs from other modalities.
As the healer moves around the body an individual colour will be beamed to the client – the colour that is applicable to them and their problem – everything vibrates in colour and sound. Different colours represent different vibrations of healing and will connect to the relevant Archangel. It helps to release all fear based thinking and negativity and opens us up to truth, love and compassion – helping all to understand and recognise their true essence of ‘pure unconditional love’. This healing is a beautiful gentle heart based healing and achieves powerful results.
Janet also teaches the two different levels of Rahanni Celestial Healing, see here for details.
In both Reiki and Rahanni light is channelled through the practitioner, out their hands and into the client as needed.
Reiki, was first channelled over a hundred years ago by Dr. Mikao Usui, at that stage it was compatible with us and the earth’s three-dimensional vibration and we would not have been able for a higher vibration at that stage. This has now changed and we have gone from the third to the fourth dimension and on the way to the fifth. As the energy here is now lighter we in turn are able for a higher energy. Rahanni was channelled by Carol Ann Stacey over 20 years ago and is a fifth dimensional healing that can connect to the fourth dimension.
Reiki is still extremely effective especially Tera Mai Reiki (which Janet practices) as this is a higher vibration Reiki than the original Usui Reiki, it was updated over 30 years ago by Kathleen Milner.
Rahanni is a heart based healing and helps to release negativity and fear based ways of thinking to be more in tune with truth, love and compassion.
Please also see our Deposit & Cancellation Policy.
Janet is also offering remote healings. Just call us on 061 317721 or 087 2628539 to organise. To pay the €60 fee by Paypal please click here
“Hi Janet I would like to take this opportunity to thank you so much for the wonderful experience I had with you yesterday. I went to you for Rahanni Celestial Healing it was my first introduction to it and won’t be my last I found it to be most amazing but also a very gentle healing. I’m so looking forward to experiencing this beautiful healing again and would highly recommend it. Blessings and love, Maya”
“I can’t exactly remember my first Stress Buster and Reiki Healing. Having just finished college, depleted and exhausted from final year, I somehow ended up in Angel Times. Before I know it, I was sitting down chatting to Janet. I remember lying down while Janet began Tera Mai Reiki healing on me. Feeling this vibrating sensation come all over my body but all the while remaining completely calm and meditative. To be honest, I probably fell asleep at one point. I came out of that session floating on air. Feeling lighter than I had in years. As you can imagine, I fell in love with Reiki energy healing then and there.
After that, I became a regular client of Janet’s, seeing her at least once a month. I became very close to her and learnt that she actually taught Reiki. It was there that I did the Reiki Level 1 and 2 courses. Through Janet’s help and guidance as a supportive, open and welcoming Reiki Master Teacher, I was able to take back control of my own well-being.
She creates a space in which it is safe to explore oneself and to know that all questions are warmly received with answers that are to everyone’s understanding. Doing reiki, I was able to release negativity from myself whether I had picked it up from other people, places or things. I was able to begin my journey of loving myself, recognizing my needs, and putting my needs first.
I am able to identify when I am feeling overwhelmed or anxious. And I know that I need to take time out for me to become realigned and centred with myself again. As a result, I am able to pass down these teachings and tools to deal with life on a daily basis to my own daughter, thus helping the next generation of my family. In this way, by teaching a mother how to help and heal herself through Reiki, Janet has helped a whole family and changed my family’s narrative.
I honestly cannot express in words how Reiki has helped me as a person. My relationships with other people and most importantly my relationship with myself. I am able to be a more loving, understanding, and a compassionate person and how I relate to other people. The appreciation I have for Janet and what she has taught me over the last year and a half are indescribable and incalculable. She may work from a shop called Angel Times, but I can tell you that Janet is truly an Angel for Limerick and it’s people. – Mary