Rose Opal Heart

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Rose Opal Heart

A Rose or Pink Opal Heart is a type of Opal that is generally opaque and does not show the “fire” like that of other Opals. The color ranges from a bright baby girl pink to a pink-white, cream, or even lavender.

It can release us from our inhibitions and allow us to express ourselves openly, revealing our true nature. It encourages generosity on a community level and is associated with the Heart Chakra.

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Rose Opal Heart

A Pink or Rose Opal Heart is a type of Opal that is generally opaque and does not show the “fire” like that of other Opals. The color ranges from a bright baby girl pink to a pink-white, cream, or even lavender.

It can release us from our inhibitions and allow us to express ourselves openly, revealing our true nature. It encourages generosity on a community level and is associated with the Heart Chakra.

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pink opal heart

Rose Opal Heart


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