Nephrite Jade Skull

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Nephrite Jade Skull

Nephrite Jade is often used in dream work, to help with lucid dreaming, and with remembering dreams. This crystal carries a revitalizing energy that can help to speed healing. It is a stone of health and abundance, allowing Divine energy to enhance the circumstances of life.

This is Nephrite Jade as opposed to Jadite which looks the same but has a different composition. Jadite was the material most prized by Chinese Craftsmen over the last 5000 years.

See our main Crystals page here.

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Nephrite Jade Skull

Nephrite Jade is often used in dream work, to help with lucid dreaming, and with remembering dreams. This crystal carries a revitalizing energy that can help to speed healing. It is a stone of health and abundance, allowing Divine energy to enhance the circumstances of life.

This is Nephrite Jade as opposed to Jadite which looks the same but has a different composition. Jadite was the material most prized by Chinese Craftsmen over the last 5000 years.

See our main Crystals page here.

Find out more about Nephrite Jade as well as other crystals here.

As a gemstone, jade can be one of two minerals: jadeite or nephrite. While both are jade, there are significant differences between these minerals. First, jadeite, a pyroxene mineral, has somewhat greater hardness than nephrite, an amphibole mineral. Still, both are susceptible to scratching.  On the Mohs scale, jadeite is 6.5-7, while nephrite is 6-6.5. Nephrite can occur in extremely large sizes. Large jade sculptures are commonly made from this material. Both materials are extremely tough and resistant to wear, though nephrite is somewhat tougher. However, the top color for jade, imperial green, only occurs in jadeite. Additionally, jadeite is more likely to be translucent. These factors, in combination with greater rarity, make jadeite more expensive than nephrite.

nephrite jade skull

Nephrite Jade Skull


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