Moonstone Tumblestone


Moonstone Tumblestone

A moonstone tumblestone is for “new beginnings”, Moonstone is a stone of inner growth and strength. It soothes emotional instability and stress, and stabilises the emotions, providing calmness. It helps with symptoms of PMS as well as fertility.

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Moonstone Tumblestone

A moonstone tumblestone is for “new beginnings”, Moonstone is a stone of inner growth and strength. It soothes emotional instability and stress, and stabilises the emotions, providing calmness. It helps with symptoms of PMS as well as fertility.

See our full range of tumblestones here.

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More Information

Moonstone is a radiant gemstone known for its soft, peachy hues and mystical properties. It exudes a captivating charm that enchants all who behold it. As a variety of the feldspar mineral family, peach moonstone is cherished for its delicate beauty and profound metaphysical significance.

In its natural form, peach moonstone displays a range of soft peach, pink, and creamy tones. Its often accented by iridescent flashes or sheen known as adularescence. This ethereal play of light creates a mesmerizing effect reminiscent of moonbeams dancing on water, adding to its allure and enchantment.

Metaphysically, peach moonstone is revered for its ability to evoke feelings of love, compassion, and emotional balance. Its gentle energy is believed to soothe the soul and promote a sense of inner peace, making it a cherished companion for meditation and spiritual exploration. By opening the heart chakra and aligning with the lunar energies, peach moonstone fosters emotional healing, self-love, and acceptance.

Moonstone Continued

Furthermore, peach moonstone is associated with the divine feminine and is often regarded as a symbol of fertility, intuition, and nurturing energy. It encourages one to embrace their innate creativity, intuition, and sensuality. This crystal empowers them to express themselves authentically and cultivate deeper connections with others.

In addition to its metaphysical properties, peach moonstone is valued for its healing qualities. It is believed to alleviate feelings of anxiety, stress, and overwhelm, promoting emotional resilience and well-being. Peach moonstone is also thought to support hormonal balance, reproductive health, and the digestive system, making it beneficial for overall vitality and harmony.

Whether used for spiritual practices, emotional healing, or simply admired for its beauty, peach moonstone continues to captivate and inspire with its radiant energy and profound symbolism. As a gentle reminder of the divine feminine within us all, it invites us to embrace love, compassion, and creativity as we journey through life’s ever-changing cycles.


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moonstone tumblestone

Moonstone Tumblestone


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