Black Tourmaline Raw


Black Tourmaline Raw

Black Tourmaline cleans purifies transmutes dense energy. It is also grounding and disperses tension and stress. Clears negative thoughts encourages positive attitude great for pain relief

See our main Crystals page here.

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Black Tourmaline Raw

Black Tourmaline Raw cleans purifies transmutes dense energy. It is also grounding and disperses tension and stress. Clears negative thoughts encourages positive attitude great for pain relief

See our main Crystals page here.

Black Tourmaline is a protective crystal that actually gives you a sense of power. It makes you feel secure, daring, and physically powerful. It will deepen your connection to the physical, natural world. Also, helps relieve you of fears specifically associated with your physical existence here on Earth. This is a crystal to have near you when you need protection and mental fortitude. Use this crystal when you need to feel safe and secure.

It  is the ultimate grounding stone, and the primary crystal used for the clearing of negative energy and protection from spells.

Also helps you on your life path by allowing you to recognize how holding onto negative and/or toxic emotions can hurt you from within, which can create a disease that will manifest physically. It also helps you to act and think more positively so you can create a healthier lifestyle and manifest more abundance into your life. Black Tourmaline raises self-confidence, balance male/female energy within the body, and helps to take you deep into your inner self.

Black Tourmaline has a strong connection to Devic energies.  It is very beneficial to plants and your garden. Buried in soil it encourages growth and also better health of your crops. It is also a natural way to keep garden pests away

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Black Tourmaline Raw


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