Dated Diaries


5 Products

  • 19.95

    Be Here Now 2025 Weekly Planner

    One of America’s most beloved spiritual figures, Ram Dass made his mark on the world by teaching the path of the heart and promoting service in the areas of love and compassion, social consciousness, and care for the dying. Ram Dass’s spirit has been a guiding light for four generations, carrying millions along the journey and helping to free them from their bonds as he worked his way through his own.

    Be Here Now, Dass’s influential and seminal work, still stands as the highly readable centerpiece of Western articulation of Eastern philosophy, and how to live joyously one hundred percent of the time in the present, luminous or mundane. It continues to be the instruction manual of choice for generations of spiritual seekers. This twelve-month planner includes inspiring quotations by Ram Dass accompanied by colorful artwork by artist Sue Zipkin and plenty of space for appointments, special occasions, lists, tracking habits, and more.

    Click here to see our range of Journals and Diaries.

  • 14.95

    The Get Up and Go Daily Guide to Wellbeing 2025

    The Get Up and Go Daily Guide to Wellbeing 2025 is a diary created as a daily guide to being well.

    This diary is intended as a guide to thinking (and speaking) your way to good health and well-being. It is not a prescription. It simply requires a willingness to engage in healthy thinking, which can empower you in making healthy choices and taking healthy actions.

    This will in turn, result in you feeling better about yourself and your life, and ultimately inspire you into being your healthiest, happiest, wellest, wealthiest self, living your best life.

    Life comes at us one day at a time. We just need to take it one day at a time. Have a good day….every day.

    Click here to see our range of Journals and Diaries.

  • 12.95

    The Irish Get up and Go Diary 2025

    This is the signature ‘diary with a difference’- the diary that inspires and motivates.

    The Irish Get Up and Go Diary is created newly each year. It inspires, motivates, enlightens and encourages the reader to ‘get up and go’ every day, as you progress towards the fulfillment of your hopes and dreams in life.

    Click here to see our range of Journals and Diaries.

  • 12.95

    The Get Up and Go Diary for Busy Women 2025

    The Get Up and Go Diary for Busy Women is a diary created by busy women for busy women. Have you ever met a woman who wasn’t busy?

    The author, Eileen, says, “As a busy woman, what I need is ‘time in’ (as opposed to time out!). I need time to get present to what’s really important in my life. and not let the busy-ness distract me from what matters”.

    As a result, the time taken to create, and read, this diary is just that – an opportunity to connect with what’s important, and to be inspired and encouraged by who you are, in the face of the challenges of your busy life. We all need time to reflect on, and appreciate, who we are, and all the good that we do. Finally, what is all the busyness for – if not to be happy in ourselves?

    Click here to see our range of Journals and Diaries.

  • 11.50

    Every Day Matters Pocket Diary 2025

    The Every Day Matters Diary features vibrant, uplifting artwork, thought-provoking monthly themes and insightful weekly quotes. As a result, readers feel not only highly organized but also deeply inspired every day of the year.

    Click here to see our range of Journals and Diaries.