217 Products

  • Aventurine Mini Gem Tree New

    Green Aventurine Mini Gem Tree

    30 Hand threaded authentic Garnet gemstones adorn a hand crafted, copper coloured wire tree and placed on an encrusted bed of matching gemstones. The Green Aventurine Mini Gem Tree is displayed within a clear glass dome that stands 13cm tall.

    A muted green stone, supporting a greater level of happiness and self-esteem. Give Aventurine an intention, whether it’s to decompress after a stressful day or for good luck and prosperity in your career and personal life.

    Why a tree? Representing life and growth, this meaningful gift is a symbolic reference to the Tree of Life. Also known as a Feng Shui Tree or Crystal Bonsai Tree, the Tree of Life has been celebrated as a powerful symbol throughout religion, culture, and philosophy. Each Tree is paired with intentional stones to help manifest wishes and enhance the positive energy or chakra associated with each stone.

    Supplied in a plastic free, craft brown gift tube with printed label.

    See our main Crystals page here.

  • Lapis Lazuli Mini Gem Tree New

    Lapis Lazuli Mini Gem Tree

    30 Hand threaded authentic Garnet gemstones adorn a hand crafted, copper coloured wire tree and placed on an encrusted bed of matching gemstones. The Lapis Lazuli Mini Gem Tree is displayed within a clear glass dome that stands 13cm tall.

    A striking blue lava stone, Lapis helps heighten your awareness, revealing spiritual purpose in life. Goal orientated, it encourages and motivates for positive progress.

    Why a tree? Representing life and growth, this meaningful gift is a symbolic reference to the Tree of Life. Also known as a Feng Shui Tree or Crystal Bonsai Tree, the Tree of Life has been celebrated as a powerful symbol throughout religion, culture, and philosophy. Each Tree is paired with intentional stones to help manifest wishes and enhance the positive energy or chakra associated with each stone.

    Supplied in a plastic free, craft brown gift tube with printed label.

    See our main Crystals page here.

  • Garnet Mini Gem Tree New

    Garnet Mini Gem Tree

    30 Hand threaded authentic Garnet gemstones adorn a hand crafted, copper coloured wire tree and placed on an encrusted bed of matching gemstones. The Garent Mini Gem Tree is displayed within a clear glass dome that stands 13cm tall.

    Garnet is an Agate stone with a number of interesting metaphysical properties, including its ability to protect your aura when facing important life milestones and crossroads.

    Why a tree? Representing life and growth, this meaningful gift is a symbolic reference to the Tree of Life. Also known as a Feng Shui Tree or Crystal Bonsai Tree, the Tree of Life has been celebrated as a powerful symbol throughout religion, culture, and philosophy. Each Tree is paired with intentional stones to help manifest wishes and enhance the positive energy or chakra associated with each stone.

    Supplied in a plastic free, craft brown gift tube with printed label.

    See our main Crystals page here.

  • Carnelian Egg New

    Carnelian Egg


    A Carnelian Egg is a variety of chalcedony and appears as red, orange or even pink and brown. It is a grounding, stabilizing crystal with high energy. In addition it has the ability to clean other stones.

    It stimulates the metabolism and also improves the absorption of vitamins and minerals. Carnelian ensures a good supply of blood to organs and tissues.

    We associate Carnelian with the base chakra and in addition it works with female reproductive organs and increases fertility. Other physical areas that it works with include the lower back, kidneys, bones, arthritis, neuralgia and rheumatism. It also improves how our bodies absorb vitamins and minerals.

    Mentally, it helps improve one’s state of mind. It dispels anger and lethargy and replaces these negative emotions with a more general love of life. In addition it helps meditation as it removes unhelpful thoughts and concentrates the mind. As a result it is also excellent for tuning daydreamers into their reality.

    We use Carnelian at the entrance to our house to invite abundance into the home. Specifically, place nine tumbled pieces in a bowl on your hall table and invite abundance in.

    See our main Crystals page here.

  • clear quartz sphere New

    Clear Quartz Sphere


    A Clear Quartz Sphere is the most powerful General Healer and raises energy to highest level. This is because of their unique crystalline structure which absorbs, stores and releases energy. For example, they are used to regulate the energy of a battery in a quartz watch. This is because the structure of the crystal is uniform and the structure has a measurable effect on the battery power.

    See our main Crystals page here.

  • selenite egg New

    Selenite Egg


    A Selenite Egg brings clarity to mind. Opening the crown chakras, it is a calm stone that instills deep peace and is excellent for meditation. Selenite assists judgment and insight. It clears confusion and aids seeing the deeper picture. It promotes flexibility and guards against epileptic seizures. An excellent stone for breast feeding and nurturing children.

    Selenite is formed by oxidation of calcareous clay deposits, among other things. In these deposits pyrite is present. Through weathering (oxidation) of pyrite, sulfate ions (SO42-) originate. Yet the oxidation of the clay will acidify, which in turn dissolves the lime (calcium dissolves in acidic environments). This then allows the Ca 2 + ions (calcium) to be released, which then will react with the sulfates to form gypsum.

    People who are unfamiliar with crystals confuse Selenite with Quartz (SiO2) because they are very similar in appearance. They are, however, easy to distinguish because the surface of Selenite can be scratched with your finger nail. With Rock Crystal this is not possible, because this mineral is much harder. The name Selenite comes from Selene, the Greek goddess of the moon.

    See our main Crystals page here.

  • get well soon New

    Get Well Soon Angel & Crystal Set

    The Get Well Soon Angel & Crystal Set is a beautiful token for anyone who is not feeling themselves at the moment. Being unwell can be challenging on both the body and mind so this is a lovely gift to cheer them up.

    “May this Guardian Angel look after you, protect you and help you on your journey back to full health.

    Bloodstone will enhance the immune system, helping the body fight against infections and diseases. This gemstone is also known for its ability to help calm and stabilize emotions during times of stress.”

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  • Wedding day angel pin and crystal set New

    Wedding Day Angel & Crystal Set

    The Wedding Day Angel & Crystal Set is a beautiful token for anyone who is about to walk up the aisle. A wedding day can be stressful and emotional, so this set will bring calm and ease to the holder.

    “May this Guardian Angel look after you, and protect you and your partner on your Wedding Day.

    Rose Quartz encourages unconditional love. It provides a sense of calm, tenderness and sensuality. Carry this crystal with you on your Wedding Day and into the future to feel its positive energy radiate.”

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  • shungite rough

    Shungite Rough Pieces

    Shungite is a very powerful stone that everyone should wear and have in their home. It is said to be the “miracle stone” , “the stone of life” & ”Transformation”

    Shungite is known for its incredible healing and protection properties, including: boosting energy and immune system, balancing mind and emotions, protecting from harmful EMFs, detoxification and purification of the body.

    Noble Shungite has a greater amount of organic carbon in it. Also, they mine this form manually as it is more fragile than regular Shungite.

    See our main Crystals page here.

  • 5.50

    Safe Travel Angel & Crystal Set

    The Safe Travel Angel & Crystal Set is a beautiful token for anyone who is traveling – whether that is someone who is going on holidays, moving away or even someone with a new car. If they are traveling, this set will keep them safe.

    “May this Angel look after you, protect you and keep you safe on your travels.

    Shiny bright Hematite has a strong association with travel safety as it is a solid stone of the mind. This means that it keeps you connected to your inner warrior and sense of personal power and turns up the dial on your natural survival instinct. Whether traveling near or far, keep this set by your side!”

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  • 5.50

    At This Time of Sorrow Angel & Crystal Set

    The At This Time of Sorrow Angel & Crystal Set is a beautiful token for someone that may be going through the loss of a loved one or grief in any form.

    “May this Angel look after you, protect you and keep you safe at this sad time.

    Black Tourmaline is a powerful grounding crystal that can really help in times of grief. As a stone of protection, it shields the aura while clearing negative energies around you.”

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  • 5.50

    New Job Angel & Crystal Set

    The New Job Angel & Crystal Set is a beautiful token gift for someone who is about to begin a new job or is starting their own business.

    “May this Angel look after you, protect you and keep you safe as you begin your new job.

    Amazonite acts as an inspirational stone. It gives you the courage to face any uncertainties associated with new beginnings. Amazonite portrays success, hope, and abundance. This stone will help you succeed in your new job.”

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  • 5.50

    Mum To Be Angel & Crystal Set

    The Mum To Be Angel & Crystal Set is a beautiful token gift for someone who is expecting a bundle of joy to join their lives soon.

    “May this Angel look after you, protect you and keep you safe throughout your pregnancy.

    Use Rose Quartz throughout your pregnancy, birth, and in those early days of motherhood. Whenever stress seems high and relaxation a far away thought, pull this stone closer and let it ease every inch of anxiety and remind you that truly – unconditional love will conquer all.”

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  • aura amethyst cluster

    Aura Amethyst Cluster

    An Aura Amethyst Cluster on Stand is a very powerful and protective crystal. It guards against Psychic attack and also blocks geopathic stress.

    These are natural amethyst geodes that have been treated with iridium and a variety of metals, to achieve the permanent rainbow of color you see here. They are iridescent, sparkling magical crystals.

    Bathed in these metals, amethyst is magnified to become the ultimate stone of peace and divine clearing. An Aura Amethyst Cluster opens and empowers the Third Eye Chakra, developing intuition. It enhances psychic abilities and releases energy blockages within the aura and chakras. Its stunning coloring infuses your aura with the entire rainbow spectrum of light, working to heal and strengthen. It also aids in opening the Crown Chakra, deepening your connection to Source and your guides.

    See our main Crystals page here.

  • 9.95

    White Crescent Moon Trinket Dish 

    This ceramic trinket dish is shaped like a crescent moon and features a cool triple moon design. Ideal for holding jewellery and other small accessories.

    Use this dish to hold your favourite crystals during your new moon or full moon rituals.

    H1.5cm x W12cm x D11cm

  • 4.95

    Black Obsidian Gemworld Jewellery

    Black Obsidian Gemworld Jewellery is associated with being a stone without boundaries or limitations. It is a strong protective stone and forms a shield against negativity.

    However, Black Obsidian can be too grounding if using for meditation so Use with Care.

    Also, pieces of these stones that had a shiny surface were used in the past as a tool for scrying.

    Please click here to return to the crystals page.