Angel Cards


53 Products

  • 22.50

    Divine Abundance Oracle

    Tosha Silver

    From the author of Outrageous Openness and It’s Not Your Money, the Divine Abundance Oracle is a new deck to help you access abundance by letting go.

    Tosha Silver’s message about money is counterintuitive, fresh, and different from the norm. So many people push toward their goals and chase the means to meet their needs. Yet they yearn for an ever-elusive feeling of security. Fear and worry are constant. Tosha takes a radical new approach. Offer those desperate wishes and financial fears directly to Love, to the Divine itself–whatever that means to you. The result can bring freedom, spaciousness, and yes, even a sense of security unavailable any other way. Aligning with Divine Source as the foundation of All is the key.

    This beautiful deck offers a practical, soulful way to put Tosha’s teachings into practice. Drawing inspiration from her book It’s Not Your Money, the deck contains 52 quotes that will help you reflect on your relationship to money, career, and abundance. Your own heart will guide you to the message you need that day, helping you receive and live these liberating concepts more completely. As you work with the cards, you’ll find your mind expanding so that you can truly “be” abundance rather than just chase it.

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  • 13.50

    Mind Cards New Mum Edition

    The Mind Cards New Mum Edition is a set of 45 cards to promote self-compassion for new mums.

    Becoming a new mum is an exciting time but can also be quite daunting and sometimes overwhelming.

    This set of cards offers a different tool or task each day to guide you in looking after yourself during the early stages of motherhood. They remind you to prioritise self care & self love.

    Each day select a card at random and take the action stated on the card. We understand how difficult it can feel to make time to look after yourself. As a result we’ve kept each card as simple as possible but with maximum impact.

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  • 23.50

    Astral Realms Crystal Oracle

    Astral Realms Crystal Oracle is a portal into the esoteric world of crystal healing and celestial influence. Captivating and symbolic imagery transports the reader to high-frequency realms, cultivating a deeper connection to Spirit.An immersive companion guidebook gives insight into and understanding about crystalline energies and universal principles. Acting as an energetic link deeper connection to Spirit between the physical and spiritual realms. Above all the guidebook was written with the intention of encouraging the reader to transform their perspective and elevate their tangible experience.

    A channel of insight from above and within. This Oracle is a timeless and dimensionless tool that will speak to your soul, answering your questions and expanding your consciousness.

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  • 23.50

    Shadow and Light Oracle

    Selena Moon
    The Shadow and Light Oracle is a deck to stimulate self-improvement, thought patterns and personal growth in a very practical way.

    This deck will assist people in everyday life by shining a light on a multitude of matters. Also, it will encourage an openness to different perspectives and self-reflection, opportunities and paths in life. It is highly focused on self-empowerment, self-improvement, self-growth and overcoming obstacles.

    Each card reflects two either opposing or complementing perspectives on a matter. They show the reader different ways of looking at a problem or aspect in life. Every card description also includes an affirmation for meditation or daily mental practice, as well as practical tips that can assist in the particular situation represented in the card.

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  • Lunar Tarot

    Lunar Tarot

    by Jayne Wallace

    The Moon has a potent influence on our everyday lives. Embrace her power by tapping into your lunar intuition with The Lunar Tarot – a 78-card tarot deck and guidebook.

    Jayne Wallace has entwined the ancient magic of the Tarot with the moon’s wisdom to create Lunar Tarot the perfect deck to guide us through an ever-changing world. Gain new insights into the cards and their meanings as interpreted from a lunar perspective and learn how to plan your life according to the phases of the moon. The accompanying guidebook gives detailed interpretations for both the major and minor arcana as well as explaining how to lay the cards. With helpful key words and moon mantras, let the moonlight illuminate your journey and channel your dreams and wishes.

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  • 23.50

    Magic of Unicorns Oracle Cards

    Diana Cooper

    The Magic of Unicorns Oracle Cards is a  beautiful 44-card deck from bestselling author Diana Cooper. It offers guidance, wisdom and encouragement to follow your unicorn guides on the pathway to enlightenment.

    Discover how to connect with your unicorn guides, advance on your ascension path and attract more love, light, healing and happiness with these magical cards.

    Unicorns are beings of the angelic realms who are returning to Earth to aid us on our path to ascension. They bring messages of hope and remind us to stay positive as we prepare for a golden future. Bestselling author Diana Cooper has created this stunning oracle deck to help you meet your personal unicorn guide, embark on a spiritual path and work with the great energies of the universe on your ascension journey.

    Working with the 44 beautifully illustrated cards will inspire and awaken your mind to your spiritual quest. Also, you’ll discover how to awaken your psychic abilities, open your heart, be ready to receive abundance and blessings, stand in your power, receive soul healing, strengthen your trust, manifest your dreams, light the way for others and reach your divine potential.

    The Magic of Unicorns Oracle Cards will lead you step by step on your journey toward enlightenment. Let the unicorns show you the way!

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  • 22.50

    Manifesting with the Fairies

    Karen Kay

    Call upon the fairies to grant your wishes with this magical Manifesting with the Fairies oracle from renowned fairy expert Karen Kay.

    Fairies are the Earth’s original manifesters. In this deck, fairy whisperer Karen Kay shows you how to call upon their kindness to manifest your deepest desires. That includes, but is not limited to, health, wealth or happiness.

    Artist Jane Delaford Taylor beautifully illustrated these cards. Also, the deck comprises 44 cards and a guidebook, with examples of ideas for layouts ­– from basic, quick readings, to more in-depth insights. Each card shows the wish a particular fairy is granting, along with affirmations and ways you can actually manifest this wish. All of these are fully explained in the guidebook.

    Also, As you deepen your connection with the fairies, you’ll discover how to open up to your inner power and strengthen your intuition.

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  • 26.95

    Divine Masters Oracle

    Kyle Gray

    The Divine Masters Oracle card deck brings together a congregation of enlightened souls who have dedicated themselves to the healing and nurturing of the world. These beings are universal spiritual guides and, like angels, anyone can connect and work with them, no matter their background or experience.

    You may already know some of them—Mary Magdalene, Buddha and Horus—but there are many more, and they are all ready to support you on your spiritual path. All you have to do is call upon them.

    Use this oracle card deck to connect and communicate directly with these beings. When your intention is combined with the imagery, meanings, and messages of the cards, guidance from the Divine Masters will come to you not just through the cards, but from within too.

    This 44-card deck acts as a bridge of light for you to connect directly with these beings and receive their guidance. Let this connection become an exciting spiritual process that supports the raising of your vibration and leads you to a life filled with meaning and purpose.”

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  • 11.50

    Affirmations for Forgiveness

    Louise Hay

    12 Affirmations for Forgiveness, to let go of the past and set yourself free from beloved self-help pioneer Louise Hay.

    These cards were created to help you bring about forgiveness in your everyday life. Forgiveness means releasing regret, sadness, hurt, fear, guilt, blame, resentment, and sometimes even the desire for revenge. How do you start? By being willing to let get of the past. Be willing to release your emotional attachment to your memories of yesterday. The past is over, and this is a new day.

    You can set yourself free by changing your thinking. The more you forgive, the more love you will have to express. It’s no fun being a victim. Refuse to be helpless anymore. Claim your own power!

    Choose a card each morning, and it will be your positive message for the day!

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  • 19.50

    Essential Oils Oracle Cards

    The Essential Oils Oracle Cards are a hands-on tool for intuitively connecting with the healing wisdom of plant spirits. This full-color 40-card deck describes the spiritual and healing powers of the plant spirit featured. In addition, they include practical uses of the corresponding essential oil, an affirmation, resonant keywords, and corresponding chakras. The booklet explains how to use the cards on a therapeutic level, for aromatherapy practice, and as an oracle.
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  • 18.95

    Little Box 0f Mindfulness

    Mindfulness doesn’t always come easily, and it can help to be reminded of it from time to time with this Little Box of Mindfulness. This deck of 52 cards will help facilitate and encourage your presence of mind, and to bring small moments of peace and happiness into your day.

    The Little Box of Mindfulness contains a set of 52 beautifully designed cards to encourage greater presence of mind and bring small moments of peace and happiness into your daily life. Display each card individually using the wooden stand. Brighten up any shelf, windowsill, office, desk or side table.

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  • 24.95

    Healing Heart Oracle

    Inna Segal
    Bestselling healing author Inna Segal has created this Healing Heart Oracle to help you face the pain and trauma you carry in your heart from past hurts. We all experience hurt, rejection, confusion, loss and fear in our hearts. These cards will enable you to reconnect with your heart on all levels.

    The artwork on each card is beautifully illustrated by Jena Dellagrottaglia, the bestselling artist behind The Goddess Power Oracle and The Spirit Animal Oracle. Richly symbolic, the images call the divine to help the human heart to heal. This oracle will assist you to recognise the beautiful, creative, fun, joyful aspects of your heart and give them wings to shine. In addition, it offers you a glimpse into where your heart is at in your life’s journey. They will also indicate what you can do to create more life, wholeness and love in your heart.
    This deck will help you send healing love letters to your heart and build your inner strength. This is especially so after any difficult or painful experiences, as well to do readings about what could be in store for your adventurous heart journey in the future.

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  • 22.50

    Angels & Auras Oracle

    Radleigh Valentine and Dougall Fraser

    Receive divine guidance, decode auras, and weave healing color energy into your spiritual practice with this powerful and playful Angels & Auras Oracle deck.

    Angels & Auras is a powerful and playful approach to self-discovery and divination for all those looking to bring magical vibrancy to their spiritual practice. Also, infuse some much-needed color back into your life!

    Within the Angels and Auras Oracle, 12 core cards represent specific archangels and their aura colors. These lead the reader down a path of self-discovery. These cards demonstrate how the angels regularly speak to us through the language of color. The remaining cards provide a heavenly chorus of support and are purposefully created with divine wisdom in mind. Each message depicts colorful images to inspire and remind the reader that we live in a vibrant world of energy.

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  • Tea Leaf Fortune Cards

    Tea Leaf Fortune Cards

    Rae Hepburn

    The Tea Leaf Fortune Cards set offers an innovative system for reading with 200 beautifully illustrated cards depicting the traditional tea leaf symbols. The 98-page guidebook explains how to divine fortunes using tea leaves or Tea Leaf Fortune Cards.
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  • Urban Crow Oracle

    Urban Crow Oracle

    MJ Cullinane

    Like dark sentinels observing our world through intelligent black eyes, many see crows as foreboding omens. But crows bond, mourn, play, and even remember faces, offering gifts to humans they like and dive-bombing humans who have wronged them. This 54-card oracle deck and guidebook connects you to the mystical messages and intuitive insights of these clever and captivating birds, from the sacred space of a nest to the gift of a shiny trinket.

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  • Healing spirits oracle

    Healing Spirits Oracle Cards

    Gordon Smith

    Discover the path to inner healing and deep spiritual connection with this unique Healing Spirits oracle deck.Are you looking to heal but don’t know where to start? Are you learning how to help and heal others? The Healing Spirits Oracle is the perfect tool to help you find guidance, spiritual awareness and healing on all levels.

    This oracle will bring balance and open your consciousness to higher possibilities with answers channelled from Healing Spirits and Helpers, Spirit Guides, Spirit Sages and Masters and Guardian Spirits. Each card offers inspirational messages from different levels of the spirit world to help you understand your true purpose and grow on your spiritual path.

    The accompanying guidebook provides insightful interpretations of each of the cards. Whether you’re looking for solutions to the deeper mysteries of your life, protection from fears, help with healing or finding your true purpose, The Healing Spirits Oracle will guide you along your journey of healing toward the life that you desire.

    Find your path to inner healing, call on the guidance of spirit and open yourself to the incredible and loving world beyond with this beautifully illustrated oracle.

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