White Oil Burner Set

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White Oil Burner Set

The Oil Burner Gift Set is the perfect gift to give to those in your life who would like to diffuse Oils and need a start. It contains everything you need to enjoy the oil burner straight away!

Each of the packs come with the Absolute Aromas Lavender Essential Oil, as well as a pack of wax melts, a t light and candle. The oil burner in the gift pack is subject to change but will always be a deep well burner.

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White Oil Burner Set

The Oil Burner Gift Set is the perfect gift to give to those in your life who would like to diffuse Oils and need a start. It contains everything you need to enjoy the oil burner straight away!

Each of the packs come with the Absolute Aromas Lavender Essential Oil, as well as a pack of wax melts, a t light and candle. The oil burner in the gift pack is subject to change but will always be a deep well burner.

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How to use an Oil Burner to diffuse essential oils

Burning essential oils is a low-tech and inexpensive way to add beautiful aromas to your home. However, not all oils are the same so you maust take care in choosing the oils to burn.. If used properly and safely, burning essential oils can help you create an aromatic and therapeutic environment

Essentail Oils are different to Fragrance Oils. Essential Oils have an aromatherapy benefit such a relaxing Lavender. However, Fragrane Oils have no theraputic value and are often artifically produced.

Position the Oil Burner on a stable platform making sure it will not get knocked over.

Add water to the top of the burner to fill the well. Then, add several drops of oil. The more oil you use, the stronger the fragrance though it will not necessarily last longer.

Insert a good quality tlight into the burner having lit it first.

That’s it!. Enjoy the beautiful fragrance.

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White oil burner set

White Oil Burner Set


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