Reading the Aura Workshop with Eileen McCourt
Friday 11th April 2025 – 6.30PM – 8.30PM
€30 paid in advance.
The aura is an energy field that surrounds every living thing and all matter. The atoms of animate life are more active and vibrant than those of inanimate matter, so the energy fields of trees, plants, animals and people are therefore more easily detected and experienced. The human aura is the electro-magnetic energy field that surrounds the human body, in all directions, three dimensional.
This human aura is unique and individual to each and every person.
It is like a barometer of your body! The colours, and the changes within your aura all reflect the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of you as an individual. A strong, clean, bright aura indicates that you are physically healthy and spiritually aware, while a weak, dull, lifeless aura indicates ill health and spiritual closure.
Your aura is constantly interacting with outside forces and energies. It both affects, and is affected by, the energies of others, including interacting with animal, plant, mineral and other energy fields.
Yes, you can lie through your teeth, but you CANNOT LIE THROUGH YOUR AURA! And when you are able to read the auras of others, NO ONE CAN LIE TO YOU!
In this workshop, you will be learning how to see, sense and interpret the aura, in particular the human aura, how to understand its characteristics, and how to experience the auric energy field, – through being able to feel your own subtle energies and the subtle energies of others. Also detecting auric intrusions, – negative energies that invade your aura, and negative debris that your aura collects!Some days, when you come home from work, do you ever feel more exhausted than on other days, even though you have done nothing different? And you wonder why? That’s because what we call ENERGY VAMPIRES have got to you and sucked at your energy field, leaving you feeling weak and deflated.
Feeling drained around someone? Or taking an instant like or dislike to someone? Sensing how someone is feeling, despite how this person is acting? Feeling more comfortable or more uncomfortable with certain sounds, colours or fragrances?Walking into a room and feeling angry / nervous / afraid / anxious / excited, etc ? Noticing the difference in the atmosphere in one room from the next? Feeling more energised by some people than by others?
The explanations to all of this, and much more, lie in understanding your auric energy field and how it is constantly changing and inter-acting with all other auric energy fields!
And you need to keep your aura energised and clean! This workshop shows you how!
A serious, but also fun workshop!
If you wish to pay by phone please call +353 61 317721.
Learn more about Eileen McCourt here.
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