Zenergy Seven Chakra Chime


Zenergy Seven Chakra Chime

Each of the rods of the Zenergy Seven Chakra Chime is tuned to the related frequency of a different chakra. Tapping a rod with the mallet provided and focusing all of your thoughts on that tone can help maintain good energy flow within your body.

This chime comes with the genuine stones associated with each chakra. These can be placed next to the corresponding rod or held as the rod is played.

Ancient Hindu beliefs say the secret to our happiness and well-being lies within. There are 7 major energy centers in our body – the 7 chakras – and each one vibrates at its own frequency. When they are all vibrating correctly, all the energy in our body is in balance and we will enjoy good physical, mental and spiritual health.

From left to right, the rods and stones of the Zenergy Seven Chakra Chime represent:

– Muladhara or Base Chakra (Hematite)
– Svadhisthana or Sacral Chakra (Tiger’s Eye)
– Manipura or Solar Plexus Chakra (Yellow Jade)
– Anahata or Heart Chakra (Rose Quartz)
– Vishuddha or Throat Chakra (Turquoise)
– Ajna or Brow Chakra (Lapis)
– Sahasrara or Crown Chakra (Amethyst)

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Zenergy Seven Chakra Chime

Each of the rods of the Zenergy Seven Chakra Chime is tuned to the related frequency of a different chakra. Tapping a rod with the mallet provided and focusing all of your thoughts on that tone can help maintain good energy flow within your body.

This chime comes with the genuine stones associated with each chakra. These can be placed next to the corresponding rod or held as the rod is played.

Ancient Hindu beliefs say the secret to our happiness and well-being lies within. There are 7 major energy centers in our body – the 7 chakras – and each one vibrates at its own frequency. When they are all vibrating correctly, all the energy in our body is in balance and we will enjoy good physical, mental and spiritual health.


From left to right, the rods and stones of the Zenergy Seven Chakra Chime represent:

– Muladhara or Base Chakra (Hematite)
– Svadhisthana or Sacral Chakra (Tiger’s Eye)
– Manipura or Solar Plexus Chakra (Yellow Jade)
– Anahata or Heart Chakra (Rose Quartz)
– Vishuddha or Throat Chakra (Turquoise)
– Ajna or Brow Chakra (Lapis)
– Sahasrara or Crown Chakra (Amethyst)

For more products in this section click here.

Read more about the seven chakras here.

Feng Shui

When you hang wind chimes inside a building this is usually for Feng Shui. Sound is one way that feng shui practitioners shift the energy of a space. A wind chime can even be used as a space clearing tool to remove negative energy and welcome in new, positive energy. You probably have an intuitive understanding of this; think about how different it feels to be in a silent room,  the same room with soft music playing or with heavy music playing. When a wind chime creates sound vibrations, they move through the spaces and objects to shift the energy.

Please click here to find out more about Feng Shui.


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Zenergy Seven Chakra Chime


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