The Power of Now Calendar by Eckhart Tolle.
Photography by David and Mark Muench.
In The Power of Now Tolle explains in remarkably clear terms how living in the Now is the truest path to happiness and enlightenment. Eckhart Tolle is a widely respected teacher whose views go beyond any particular religion, doctrine or guru. He shows us how we can access our deepest self by living fully, and intensely, in the Now.
In the Power of Now Calendar the publisher carefully chose twelve images to support his teachings. In essence, the Calendar helps readers to connect to the essential wisdom and stay focused in the present moment all year long.
Printed on recycled paper using soy based inks. 12″ x 12″ with durable cover and punch hole.
The calendar features UK Legal Holidays. In addition, it features Australian, US and Canadian legal holidays. Also has phases of the moon and important observances of the world’s major religions.
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