Bells have been used throughout the ages to accompany dance, to provide comfort and to warn of possible danger. The Chinese were the first to control the pitch or note of a bell, making it possible for them to play tunes. Soon bells were being used to accompany worship. On New Year’s Eve the bells in Buddhist temples are rung 108 times, once for each of the 108 worldly desires.
In the East bells have become very important and are often decorated with significant symbols. For centuries, tuned bells have been suspended in homes and temples to ward off evil and attract good luck and prosperity. Woodstock Temple Bells are inspired by these ancient bells and work in harmony with the wind to create gentle, soothing tones.
This chime is designed to hang from a string loop, rather than an O-ring.
This chime was designed with a removable windcatcher that can be taken to a trophy shop, printer or jeweler to be engraved or silk-screened.
The Chimes of the Eclipse showcases a unique and beautiful sounding feature called “octave doubling.” Each note appears again one octave higher than the main scale. This expands the range of the chime while adding harmonic content and beauty to the sound. They introduced this chime to celebrate the total solar eclipse of August 21, 2017. As a result, this chime will conjure the magic of this rare event with its ethereal music.
Woodstock designed the Chimes of the Eclipse for superior musical performance It is hand-tuned to a five-note scale found all over the world. In addition, it acts in concert with the wind to create random patterns of wonderful music and will work in perfect harmony with all other Encore Collection chimes right in your own backyard.
This chime was designed with a removable windcatcher that can be engraved or silk-screened.
Bells have been used throughout the ages to accompany dance, to provide comfort and to warn of possible danger. The Chinese were the first to control the pitch or note of a bell, making it possible for them to play tunes. Soon bells were being used to accompany worship. On New Year’s Eve the bells in Buddhist temples are rung 108 times, once for each of the 108 worldly desires.
In the East bells have become very important and are often decorated with significant symbols. For centuries, tuned bells have been suspended in homes and temples to ward off evil and attract good luck and prosperity. Woodstock Temple Bells are inspired by these ancient bells and work in harmony with the wind to create gentle, soothing tones.
This chime is designed to hang from a string loop, rather than an O-ring.
This chime was designed with a removable windcatcher that can be taken to a trophy shop, printer or jeweler to be engraved or silk-screened.
The Woodstock Chimes of Mercury were named for the innermost planet in our solar system. In turn, Mercury was named after the ancient Roman messenger god. Mercury is similar in appearance to the Moon, with lots of craters. Because it is normally not visible due to the glare of the Sun, Mercury can be viewed only in the morning or at twilight.
When Woodstock designed the Chimes of Mercury they designed and handcrafted them for superior musical performance. They hand-tuned them to a universal, pentatonic (five-note) scale which acts in concert with the wind to create random patterns of wonderful sound. It will also harmonise beautifully with all of the other Encore Collection windchimes.
This chime carries a lifetime tuning guarantee.
This chime is designed to hang from a string loop, rather than an o-ring.
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