Gold & Orange Thai Buddha Abhaya

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Gold & Orange Thai Buddha – Abhaya.

These Gold & Orange Thai Buddha Abhaya is associated with bringing peace and serenity to the household it is placed within. A Buddha statue or image in the home lends calming yin energy to balance the active yang energy of your lifestyle. In addition, The Gold & Orange Thai Buddhas are used with Feng Shui bagua which when translated from Chinese  means ‘8 areas’. This Buddha represents the third Mudra, Abhaya.

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Gold & Orange Thai Buddha – Abhaya.

These Gold & Orange Thai Buddha Abhaya is associated with bringing peace and serenity to the household it is placed within. A Buddha statue or image in the home lends calming yin energy to balance the active yang energy of your lifestyle. In addition, The Gold & Orange Thai Buddhas are used with Feng Shui bagua which when translated from Chinese  means ‘8 areas’. This Buddha represents the third Mudra, Abhaya.

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The six main mudras are;

Dhyana Mudra – This mudra signifies meditation. Both hands are in the lap with palms upward. Also, the right hand is on top of the left hand.

Bhumisparsa Mudra – Subduing Mara, Calling the Earth to Witness. The left hand lies in the lap, palm upward. The right hand bends over the right knee, with fingers slightly touching the ground.

Abhaya Mudra – Imparting Fearlessness. Make this gesture with the hand raised and the palm facing outwards, fingers extended pointing upward. Also, bend the wrist at a right angle with the forearm.

Vitarka Mudra – Teaching, Giving Instruction, Reason. In the previous Mudra the hand is held closer to the chest. Facing outward is the palm. The index finger and the thumb make a circle. The other three fingers point upward.

Dharmachakra Mudra – Turning the Wheel of the Law in Motion. Same gesture with both hands as in Vitarka Mudra. In addition, the hands are also held closer to the chest of the Buddha. Therefore, the fingers of the left hand also rest against the palm of the right hand.

Varada Mudra – Symbolizing Charity. The hand lowered with the palm facing outward is the gesture of bestowing blessings or of giving charity. Also, extended downwards, the hand has its palm out.

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Gold & Orange Thai Buddha Abhaya


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