Frankincense Resin Incense


Frankincense Resin Incense

Frankincense Resin Incense has a resinous, woody aroma. Many diverse cultures consider it as the most spiritual and prized of all resins.

Its classic use is for prayer or meditation as well as in skincare preparations and was frequently used in the embalming process by the Egyptians. It has a wonderful ability to still the mind. Churches burn Frankincense in many of their cermonies and so it is a smeel many of us associate with churches.

Use this resin in charcoal burners and on incense burner sieves. Using a metal spoon, add a very small amount of resin on top of the hot charcoal releasing the fragrant incense smoke. You can repeat as desired until the charcoal is exhausted. When finished, allow the charcoal to completely cool in the burner before discarding. When in doubt, dowse it with water.

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Frankincense Resin Incense

Frankincense Resin Incense has a resinous, woody aroma. Many diverse cultures consider it as the most spiritual and prized of all resins.

Its classic use is for prayer or meditation as well as in skincare preparations and was frequently used in the embalming process by the Egyptians. It has a wonderful ability to still the mind. Churches burn Frankincense in many of their cermonies and so it is a smeel many of us associate with churches.

Use this resin in charcoal burners and on incense burner sieves. Using a metal spoon, add a very small amount of resin on top of the hot charcoal releasing the fragrant incense smoke. You can repeat as desired until the charcoal is exhausted. When finished, allow the charcoal to completely cool in the burner before discarding. When in doubt, dowse it with water.

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The Frankincense, or Olibanum, is a small tree which grows to a height of up to 7 meters. It has narrow leaves and pale pink or white flowers.

Frankincense is used in incense and perfumes. The word is from Old French franc encens meaning high quality incense.

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Frankincense Resin Incense


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