Ear Candles Two Pack


Ear Candles Two Pack

Ear candling can be helpful in case of:
– chronic ear problems (compacted earwax, earaches, sinus problems)
– colds, catarrh, headaches, sore throats
– hay fever, allergies
– for everyone who: works outdoors or in dusty places, flies regularly, does water sports

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Ear Candles Two Pack

Ear candling can be helpful in case of:
– chronic ear problems (compacted earwax, earaches, sinus problems)
– colds, catarrh, headaches, sore throats
– hay fever, allergies
– for everyone who: works outdoors or in dusty places, flies regularly, does water sports

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Ear candling is a simple naturopathic therapy that can also be used at home. Placed in the opening of the ear canal, the burning ear candle’s warmth and the slight vibration of the air inside the candle improves blood circulation and those have a beneficial effect on the ear, nose and throat area. It is important to mention that ear candling is a very relaxing experience, which can ease symptoms of stress.

The word ‘ear candle’ is slightly misleading because it is not like a traditional candle. An ear candle is hollow, it does not have a wick and it is made from cotton linen dipped into a mixture of beeswax and mineral wax.

In case you do not have any health problems, you can use them for relaxing and help the natural removing of ear wax. The mild warmth and vapours of the ear candle make the ear wax soft and expand so it removes naturally within a few days. Ear candling can be helpful in case of ear problems, respiratory problems, colds or stress symptoms.

How long have ear candles been used?

According to certain sources the use of ear candles can be traced back to antiquity. What we know exactly, is that ear candles or ear cones made from leaves or herbs, bark or textile, and have been used in folk medicine for centuries. This traditional healing method is used by some Siberian tribes nowadays too.

Earwax in the ear candle or what does the ear candle draw out?

First of all: the ear candle does not draw out anything! It is the most popular misconception about ear candling, that the candle draws out the earwax, bacteria etc. from the ear and it is just not true! The ear candle is not able to produce this kind of vacuum. It is true that the air column moves gently inside the candle, but this light vibration is only enough to the „massage” of the eardrum and to stimulate the energy points of the ear. Ear candling can contribute to the hygiene and health of the ear but it does not draw or suck out anything.

What is that white dust and wax-like material in the ear candle after the treatment?

These materials are the burn residues of the ear candle (wax and cotton). According to certain therapists this residue can indicate health problems of the ear, we suggest to consult a naturopath for further information. So the residue does not come from the ear (it can be found also in a candle that was burnt in our hands) but it can help putting up a diagnosis of the ear.

How often can I have ear candling?

The number of treatments differs individually. If you are healthy, for relaxing or ear-cleaning one treatment per month is enough. In case of health problems, one treatment per ear is needed daily. You have to treat both ears because it is a pair of organs and the parts of the cavity system are closely related. You can have a daily treatment for five – seven days then you have to have a week off. If your problems do not get better for a longer period of time, please consult your doctor.

Can I do ear candling on children?

Children have often earaches or other ear problems. There are ear candles formed to be ideal for treating children, but in case of serious or chronic problems we suggest to always consult your doctor. However we suggest to treat children only if they are able to stay lying ca. 15 minutes (it’s more simple if f.i. we tell them a story during candling) and they understand that they are not allowed to touch the candle during the treatment. It’s not recommended to use ear candles on children under 3 years.

What beneficial effects does ear candling have?

– The pressure in the ear and sinuses reduces
– Improves hearing
– Helps removing ear wax in a natural way
– Improves balance problems
– Helps to stop tinnitus (ringing in the ear)
–  Soothes itching
– Helps healing ear infections, inflammations
– Soothes headache in connection with the ear
–  General soothing, relaxing effect
–  Colds, catarrh, headaches, sore throats
– Hay fever, allergy
– For everyone who: works outdoors or in dusty places, flies regularly, does water sports

When is ear candling contraindicated?

–  On children under 3 years
– when there is an allergy to the ingredients
– for ear tumors, cysts
–  if there is infection or inflammation in the outer ear
– After ear surgery
– If there is grommet, drain, cochlear implants, artificial or injured eardrum in the ear please put the candle behind the earlobe.

DISCLAIMER: Ear candling is a complementary therapy and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. If in a doubt about your health please consult your doctor, therapist or pharmacist.

For more information on ear candling click here.

Ear Candles Two Pack


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