

Charoite Tumblestone

Charoite is a stone of transformation and aids in coping with enormous change at a spiritual level. It works with the crown and heart chakras and also cleanses the aura. Also, it stimulates unconditional love in those who keep it close.

It stimulates vibrational change. At the same time, it provides deep physical and emotional healing. The crystal helps you to accept the present moment as perfect.

It most often appears as a purple stone with a mottled complexion forming into grains and sworls much like wood grain. It can be found as small to medium tumbestones or even as a polished slate.

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Charoite Tumblestone

Charoite is a stone of transformation and aids in coping with enormous change at a spiritual level. It works with the crown and heart chakras and also cleanses the aura. Also, it stimulates unconditional love in those who keep it close.

It stimulates vibrational change. At the same time, it provides deep physical and emotional healing. The crystal helps you to accept the present moment as perfect.

It most often appears as a purple stone with a mottled complexion forming into grains and sworls much like wood grain. It can be found as small to medium tumbestones or even as a polished slate.

Charoite transmutes negative energy into healing and converts disease into wellness. It reenergises the body when exhausted. In addition, it regulates blood pressure and treats the eyes, heart, liver and pancreas. It reverses liver damage and alleviates cramps, aches and pains.

It will help us to achieve a deep restful sleep with powerful dreams.  Finally, it helps where dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system is affecting the heart and will help with autism and bipolar disorders

Information taken from the Crystal Bible by Judy Hall.

See our main Crystals page here.

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