Pisces is the twelfth astrological sign in the Zodiac. It is a negative mutable sign. The sun transits this area between February 19th and March 20th However, sources differ as to the exact dates.
Fluorite – Helps Pisces with focus and concentration. Aids in clear communication and creativity.
Labradorite – works perfectly for Pisceans as it strengthens traits that are already strong within, such as intuition, compassion, kindness and imagination.
Rose Quartz – Allows love & harmony intoyour life, heals bad past experiencesallowing hearts to heal & self-love.
Aquamarine – Matches Piscesenergy. Supports them ineverything they do, calming,serenity. Improves intuition.
*Please note the crystals included in this set may vary due to availability.
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Libra is the seventh astrological sign in the Zodiac. The Sun transits this sign on average between September 22nd and October 22nd. However, sources differ as to the exact dates.
The crystals for with the Libra Zodiac are
Aquamarine – Opens themind. Helps tolerance of others, promotesharmony.
Sodalite– Pyschic development, aidscommunication and public speaking.
Aventurine– Luck & prosperity. Removesold patterns/blocks to bring in new growth.
Black Tourmaline – Peace and protection for Libras. Dissolvesstress & anxiety.
Bloodstone – Grounding stone forLibras who struggle to stay in themoment.
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Gemini is the third astrological sign in the zodiac, originating from the constellation of Gemini. The sun transits this sign between about 20th May and 20th June. However, sources differ as to the exact dates.
The crystals for with the Gemini Zodiac are
Citrine – Promotes passion motivation & vibrant energy,. Helps Geminis move through life with self-confidence.
Sagittarius is the ninth astrological sign, which is associated with the constellation Sagittarius. The sun transits this sign between approximately November 21st and December 21st.
The crystals for with the Sagittarius Zodiac are
Turquoise – Uplifts the spirit. Develops inner guidance to focus on worthypursuits.
Garnet – Expands the mind. Opens up to new ways of thinking – philosophy etc.
Amethyst – Connects to intuition to gainnew insights. Connects to heart/spirit.
Labradorite– Calms the mind whilststimulating creativity. Facilitateschange when coming up againstobstacles.
Clear Quartz – Cleanses andrejuvenates the spirit .
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Aries is the first astrological sign in the zodiac. It originates from the constellation of the same name. The Sun is in Aries from approximately March 20 to April 19 each year.
The crystals for with the Aries Zodiac are
Aquamarine – Calming, bringsmore flexibility to flow with life.
Black Onyx – Reveals perceptions, insights.Offers centering energy & balance if angry.
Carnelian -Fire crystal, if Aries is losing theirfire helps to reignite it. Passion & courage.
Clear Quartz -Brings calmness to passionate/ambitious Aries. When used with othercrystals, promotes balance to all.
Hematite – Helps to think beforeacting. Grounding crystal.Promotes vitality & energy whenfeeling depleted
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Aquarius is the eleventh astrological sign in the Zodiac, from the constellation Aquarius. The Sun is in the Aquarius sign between about January 19 and about February 19.
The crystals for with the Aquarius Zodiac are
Amethyst – Intuition & spiritual guidance.
Labradorite -Improves connection to spirit. Supports Aquarius life vision. Balancing inspiration with insight.
Aquamarine – transforms thoughts into reality. Encourages compassion, empathy & sense of service to humanity in Aquarians