165 Products

  • 3.50

    Blessing Angel Pin – Comfort

    This Blessing Angel Pin has a glass heart detail mounted on a modern angel figure all presented on a 2″ x 2.5″ card.

    Please click here to return to the main Angel Pin page.

  • 3.50

    Coins that bring you so much more than money can buy. The fact that these angel coins can be carried around in your wallet or left in your car with the carpark change make them immensely popular.

    This Angel coin brings blessings to whoever carries it.

    Minted on a press originally from the Philadelphia Mint (USA) they are of exceptional quality, with lots of details. They look and feel like proper coins. Each coin is approximately 3 cm (1.25 inch) in diameter. Coins are made of a 260 alloy, consisting of 70% copper and 30% zinc, wih a nickel coating.

  • 3.50

    Coins that bring you so much more than money can buy. The fact that these angel coins can be carried around in your wallet or left in your car with the carpark change make them immensely popular.

    The Angel on this coin shines a light of hope and wisdom.

    Minted on a press originally from the Philadelphia Mint (USA) they are of exceptional quality, with lots of details. They look and feel like proper coins. Each coin is approximately 3 cm (1.25 inch) in diameter. Coins are made of a 260 alloy, consisting of 70% copper and 30% zinc, wih a nickel coating.


  • 3.50

    Coins that bring you so much more than money can buy. The fact that these angel coins can be carried around in your wallet or left in your car with the carpark change make them immensely popular.

    This Angel coin brings a feeling of courage, a form of support which everyone needs every now and again.

    Minted on a press originally from the Philadelphia Mint (USA) they are of exceptional quality, with lots of details. They look and feel like proper coins. Each coin is approximately 3 cm (1.25 inch) in diameter. Coins are made of a 260 alloy, consisting of 70% copper and 30% zinc, wih a nickel coating.

  • 7.50

    Archangel Michael Worry Stone

    This Archangel Michael Worry Stone is a smooth transparent oval with a beautiful angel that protects and gives strength. Michael is the Archangel associated with strength and protection.
    Carry it with you all of the time.
    In troubled times, we all need something to help. Worry stones give us that piece of support and persuasion that we can use at such moments.

    Each Worry Stone is supplied with an explanation envelope.

    Heaven’s Wingspan

    is large enough to lift

    the hearts of the World

    Please click here to return to the Worry Angels page