Eileen McCourt is a wonderful spiritual teacher, here to help you on your journey. Eileen McCourt Workshops are held in Angel Times, Limerick. We are delighted to announce four amazing events happening between the 7th – 9th March 2024.
7th March 2024. 7pm – 9pm
€30 in advance
Why do we keep coming back time and time again to this earth dense energy vibration dimension? Why does history keep repeating itself? Why does humanity appear to be not learning anything?
And the answer? – Because we need to understand that the problems we ourselves have created in this world are neither political nor economic. The problem is a spiritual problem! And we need to apply a spiritual solution to a spiritual problem! Nothing else can possibly work!
So are we caught in a cycle of re-incarnation? If so, how do we get out? How do we end the cycle? – And we CAN! Ending the cycle is what this workshop is all about! It is too late when we come to the time of our passing to start thinking about it! We need to know beforehand and have time to practice, practice, practice!
8th March 2024. 9.30am – 5pm
€180 inc €50 deposit
Karuna Reiki has its roots in Usui and Tibetan Reiki and developed from experimentation with new symbols and attunement techniques. The world of Dr. Usui in the 1890s was a very different world from our present world, – different energies entirely! Higher vibration energy frequencies are now flooding into our energy dimension since 2012, and we must be willing to uncover and work with them as they present themselves to us, in whatever form. Nothing and no form of energy ever stands still or remains static, and so it is with healing energies – they are constantly increasing in frequency and strength.
Karuna Reiki can best be explained as bringing traditional Usui Reiki into the 21st Century, increasing and magnifying its healing power with 24 additional symbols.
The word ‘Karuna’ itself is of Sanskrit origin. It is related to the generic ideas and meanings of unconditional love, compassion and spiritual evolution. So Karuna can be defined as compassionate action accompanied by wisdom. Karuna Reiki helps us to see everyone through the eyes of unconditional love, – which in itself means no judgement, no criticism, no condemnation, – just total acceptance for everyone with no attention being given to diversities or differences.
And Karuna Prakriti Reiki has evolved out of the system of Karuna Reiki. Prakriti is the feminine aspect of the God Energy, the female side of the Divine. Prakriti therefore exists in everything, from the smallest particle of creation to the highest manifestation of the universe. In Hinduism, Prakriti is known as the Mother of the Cosmic Universal Energy and this Reiki modality is in honour of her.
The symbols used in Karuna Prakriti Reiki are transcendental in nature, meaning that they are connected directly to the God Consciousness. They include some symbols that are used in other systems of healing, but through the attunement process, the Karuna Prakriti symbols and the nature of the Karuna Prakriti energy itself, they carry their own distinct vibration. Therefore, they function differently than similar symbols do when they are used to activate other energies. The Karuna Prakriti symbols, like all Reiki symbols, connect to different manifestations of the source of life force energy and are extremely efficient for certain deep spiritual cleansing situations. All healing symbols are living energies. There is a life-force pulsing and flowing through and from them. Therein lies their power! Never underestimate! Their nature is limitless!
Attunement can be defined as the act of matching vibrations with a specific energy or frequency of light. Attunements raise the vibration of an individual. In a Karuna Prakriti Reiki attunement our subtle energy system, or etheric bodies, clear denser frequencies and release higher frequencies of light for longer periods of time.
I have also incorporated into this modality some understanding of numbers and their vibrations, – simply because if you look at Reiki symbols, they all encapsulate a certain number! Each number is a specific vibration, and vibration is energy!
You need to be already at least Reiki One qualified in order to be able to do this practitioner course. And because of the length of the attunement, – 24 symbols, – places are limited.
Friday 8th March 6.30pm – 9.30pm
€40 in advance
Understanding how the energy of the pendulum works, and understanding how to channel and utilise that energy in order to heal yourself, to heal others, to heal the world, and to get answers to all the questions you might ever have. A powerful tool for all spiritual work and in any holistic practice or healing modality! Bring your pendulum with you!
Saturday 9th March 10am – 3pm
€70 inc €35 deposit
· Understanding the different energy frequency vibration levels in the entirety of All That Is
· Connecting with the subtle energies all around us, including the energy of loved ones who have passed over
· Moving into your Energy Body, your Body of Light
· Connecting with your Higher Self, – you in your pure, undiluted God Essence
· Understanding our 3rd Dimension energy vibration level. – We are 3rd dimension energy players playing on this 3rd dimension energy playing field! What this means and how we can explain all that is going on in our world today
· Understanding ‘Alice Down The Rabbit Hole’!
· Understanding how to stay connected with the One Great Universal Energy. – We need to be plugged into the main Energy grid!
· Understanding the Spiritual Laws of the Universe and how to live within them for a happy, fulfilled life
And much more!
To book use the links below or call us on 061 317721.
Learn more about Eileen McCourt here.