Friday 20th October 2023 – 7 – 9pm
€30 in advance
If you are looking to connect to and activate your Third Eye this Workshop is for you!
We are spiritual beings having a physical experience. We are all in a physical body here on this third dimension earth energy vibration level. Our body being the organic vessel through which our consciousness experiences our physical reality. So as both spiritual and physical beings, our brain connects to higher states of energy and consciousness. As well as this, to all that is around us on this more dense third dimension.
There must, therefore, be some sort of a connecting point somewhere within us that enables us to connect with the higher energy forces, higher levels of consciousness, while still remaining in our physical body.
The Pineal Gland – Third Eye
And yes, there is! And it is called the ‘pineal gland’. It is a pea-sized organ which is situated between the two hemispheres of our brain and located at the centre of the forehead. This spot is also referred to as the 6th chakra, known as the ‘Third Eye’, the ‘eye of the Soul’, the eye that is able to see reality, which is not what appears to our limited physical eyes, but the more ‘subtle’ one, able to ‘see’ the invisible, to ‘see’ beyond ordinary vision, to perceive the 95% of reality that our human eyes do not perceive, – our perception with our ordinary senses is severely limited to only about 5% of what actually exists out there.
This third eye represents the inner eye, able to perceive reality beyond the ordinary vision, it is the door of clairvoyance and of the superior vision. The third eye is the connection with one’s intuitive mind, with the Higher Self, let us also say with one’s Soul.
And what is the connection between our 3rd Eye and our DNA?
How do we activate our 3rd Eye? And how do we keep it healthy?
Find out in this workshop!
Activating The Third Eye Workshop – More Information
The cost for this workshop is €30 paid in advance.
If you wish to pay by phone please call +353 61 317721.
Learn more about Eileen McCourt here.
See a full list of our events here.